Luke 16
The pawkie grieve. The rich man wha gat nocht, and the beggar wha gat aʼ!
1And he was sayin till his ain disciples, “A rich man thar was, wha had a grieve; and he was wytit wiʼ wastin his haddin.
2“And haein him afore him, he said, ‘Whatna clash aboot ye is this I hear! Gie in yere reckonin as grieve; for yeʼse be grieve nae mair!’
3“But the grieve said till his sel, ‘My lord taks awa my office frae me: what sal I do? I am‐na fit to delve; I wad be shamʼd to beg!
4“ ‘I ken what I wull do! sae that whan I am putten‐oot oʼ the grieveʼs place, they may tak me into their hooses!’
5“And sae, biddin ilka ane oʼ his lordʼs debtors to come till him, he speirs at the first, ‘Hoo muckle are ye awn to my lord?’
6“And he says, ‘A hunner cogs oʼ ulyie.’ He says to him, ‘Tak yere bill, and sit doon, and haste to mak it fifty!’
7“And he said to the neist ane, ‘Hoo muckle are ye awn to my lord?’ And he said, ‘A hunner bows oʼ wheat.’ He says to him ‘Tak yere accounts, and write auchty!’
8“And his lord commendit the #16:8 His maister micht admire his skill and frankness, while detestin his dishonesty. The time and thocht thatʼs wared on wickedness wad gang far to bless the warld!fause grieve for doin wysslie; for the bairns oʼ the warld are, in their ain generation, wysser than the bairns oʼ the licht!
9“And I say tʼye, Mak to yersels freends oʼ unrichtous gear; that whansaeʼer it may fail ye, they sal tak ye in till everlastin bidin‐places!
10“Ane faithfuʼ and leal iʼ the least, is faithfuʼ in mickle!
11“Gif, than, ye are‐na faithfuʼ in unrichtous gear, who wad gie intil yere keepin the true riches.
12“And gif ye be‐na faithfuʼ in what is anitherʼs, wha sal gie you yere ain?
13“Nae servant can be in service tae twa maisters; for aither the ane he hates, and the tither he loʼes; or to the ane he wull haud, and lichtlie the tither: ye canna be in service baith to God and Mammon!”
14Noo the Pharisees, wha war lovers oʼ gear, hearin thir things, geckʼt at him.
15And he said to them, “Ye are thae wha pit their sels richt afore men, but God taks tent oʼ yere hearts; for the lofty amang men is an abomination in Godʼs sicht.
16“The Law and the Prophets war till John cam; frae that time on the Kingdom oʼ God is made plain, and aʼ men are thrangin intilʼt.
17“But it sal suner be that heeven and earth sal pass awa, than for ae haet oʼ the Law to fail!
18“Ilka ane pittin awa his wife, and weddin anither, is committin adultery; and wha weds a wumman putten‐awa frae her husband, commits adultery.
19“A particular man was rich, and cleedit his sel wiʼ purple and fine linen, and enjoyʼd his sel uncolie, ilka day.
20“And a particular beggar‐man, caʼd Lazarus, was sutten doon by his yetts, fuʼ oʼ sairs.
21“And he was sair wussin he micht eat the mools that fell frae the rich manʼs buird; aye! eʼen the dowgs cam and lickit his sairs.
22“Noo, it cam aboot that the beggar‐man deeʼt, and was carryʼt awa by the Angels, and laid in Abraʼmʼs bosom. And forby, the rich man, too, deeʼt and was buryʼt.
23“And in hell he raised his een, bein noo in torments, and sees Abraʼm far awa, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24“And he, cryin oot, said ‘Faither Abraʼm! hae mercie on me, and send ye Lazarus, sae as he may pit the tip oʼ his fingʼer in watir, and cule my tongue; for I am in anguish in this lowe!’
25“But Abraʼm said, ‘Bairn! caʼ ye to minʼ that ye gat aʼ yere gude things iʼ yere lifetime; and Lazarus the ill things: and noo he is at rest, and ye are in sair pyne.
26“ ‘And forby, atween us and you an unco void has been set; that thae wha wad gang ower frae here to you, canna be able; nor thae frae you to us canna come ben!’
27“Than he said, ‘I entreat ye than, faither! that ye wad send him to my faitherʼs hoose;
28“ ‘For I hae fyve brethern; that he may bear testimonie to them, that they come‐na intil this place oʼ dool!’
29“Abraʼm says till him, ‘They hae Moses and the Prophets; lat them hear them!’
30“But he says, ‘Na, faither Abraʼm! but gin ane gaed to them frae the deid, they wull repent them!’
31“But he said to him, ‘Gif to Moses and the Prophets they tak nae tent, naither wull they be perswadit eʼen by ane that raise frae the deid!’ ”
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Luke 16: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.