Luke 11
The words oʼ prayer, and the spirit oʼt. It wasna the demons wha opposed him noo, but the Pharisees.
1And it cam aboot, whan he was in a particular place, prayin, as he endit ane oʼ his disciples said to him, “Lord! tell us hoo to pray; eʼen as John tellʼt his disciples!”
2And he said to them, “Whan ye are prayin, say, ‘Faither! hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come!
3“ ‘Oor needfuʼ breid gie to us day by day!
4“ ‘And forgie us oor sins, as we oorsels forgie ilk ane behauden to us! And bring‐us‐na intil temptation!”
5And he said to them, “Wha amang ye sal hae a freend, and sal gang to him at mirk midnicht, and sal say to him, ‘Freend! lat me hae three bannocks!
6“ ‘For a freend oʼ mine has come to me on his way, and I hae nocht to set afore him.’
7“And he in‐by sal say, ‘Fash‐me‐na! the door has been steekit, and my weans are aʼ wiʼ me iʼ the bed; and I canna rise to gie ye!’
8“I say to ye. Eʼen though he winna rise and gie him for that he is a freend oʼ his — for his fashousness he wull rise and gie him as mony as he needs!
9“And I say tʼye, Ask ye, and it sal be dune to ye: seek ye, and ye sal hae: knock ye, and it sal be unsteekit for ye!
10“For ilka ane that asks obteens; and he that seeks, finʼs; and to him that chaps, it sal be unsteekit.
11“And whatna faither is amang ye, wham his son sal ask for a bannock, that wad gie him a stane? or for a fish, wha wad gie him a viper?
12“Or, gin he soud ask for an egg, wha wad gie him a scorpion?
13“Gif, than, bein sinfu to begin wiʼ ye ken hoo to be giean gude gifts to yere bairns, hoo muckle mair wull yere Faither wha is in Heeven gie the Holie Spirit to thae that ask him?”
14And he was castin oot a demon; and it was a dumb ane. And it cam aboot that whan the demon was gane oot, the dumb spak; and aʼ the folk ferlied.
15But a wheen oʼ them said, “ ʼTis by Beelzebul, the prince oʼ the demons, casts he oot demons!”
16And ithers oʼ them tempit him, seekin a ferlie frae Aboon,
17But he, kennin their thochts, said to them, “Ilka kingdom set again itsel, is made waste; and a hoose set again a hoose, faʼs.
18“And gif Sautan is set up again his sel, hoo may his kingdom staun? for that ye are aʼ#11:18 They had been mutterin this aboot Beelzebul: but he kent their thochts, and brang them to the licht. sayin that I, in Beelzebul, cast oot demons.
19“But gif I, in Beelzebul, am castin oot the demons, in wham are yere ain sons castin them oot? Sae sal they be yere doomsters.
20“But gif wiʼ the finger oʼ God, I am castin oot the demons, than, incontinent, has the Kingdom oʼ God come upon ye!
21“Whansaeʼer a sterk ane, ready for war, has ward ower his ain dwallin, his gear is safe.
22“But whansaʼer a sterker ane than his sel comes on him, and ower‐comes him, he taks awa his graithin on whilk he lippened, and divides his booty.
23“He wha isna wiʼ me is again me; and he wha gaithers‐na wiʼ me skails a‐breid.
24“At whatna time the foul spirit gangs oot oʼ a man, it gangs throwe drouthie pairts, lookin for rest. But, no obteenin, it says ‘Iʼse eʼen gae back to my hoose I left!’
25“And sae comin, it finʼs the hoose soopit oot and buskit braw.
26“Than it gangs, and taks wiʼ itsel seeven mair spirits viler nor itsel; and gangin in, taks up its abode thar: and the hinner‐end oʼ that man is waur nor the beginnin!”#11:26 To be under conviction oʼ sin — and tryin to be pure — and at the same time denyin the indwallin oʼ Godʼs Spirit — is an unco wrang way! Better no to airt ava, than to airt wrang! The love oʼ amendment, gin it be allooʼd to burn itsel oot, isna easy luntit up again.
27And it cam aboot while he was speakin thir things, a particular wumman, speakin up amang the thrang, cries to him, “Fair faʼ the womb that bure thee, and the breists that thou did draw!”
28But he said, “Aye, raither, ‘Weel wiʼ thae that hear Godʼs word, and nourice it!’ ”
29And, as the multitudes thranged thegither, he begude to say, “This race is an ill race; aye seekin a token; and nae token sal it hae, but the token oʼ Jonah.
30“For as Jonah becam a token to the folk oʼ aʼ Nineveh, sae sal the Son oʼ Man be to this generation!
31“The Queen oʼ the Sooth sal rise up iʼ the judgment wiʼ the men oʼ this generation, and sal rebuke them; for she cam frae far‐awa ends oʼ the yirth to hear Solomonʼs wisdom; and lo! mair nor Solomon is here!
32“The folk oʼ Nineveh wull rise up iʼ the Judgment wiʼ this generation, and wull rebuke it; for they repentit at the warnin oʼ Jonah; and lo! mair nor Jonah is here!
33“Nae man, lichtin a crusie, pits it aneath a cover, nor yet aneath a dish; but on the lamp‐stead, that thae comin in may see the licht.
34“The lamp oʼ the body is the ee; whan then yer ee is aefauld, the hail body is in the licht: but wheneʼer it is evil, yere body is become mirk.
35“Tak tent, thar‐for, that the licht within ye be‐na mirkness!
36“Gif, than, yere hail body is lichtit up, wiʼ nae pairt mirk, aʼ sal be lichtit up, as when the lamp in its glintin is giean ye licht!”
37Noo, whan he was dune speakin, a Pharisee gae him a bode to sit doon wiʼ him to denner. And, gangin in, he sat doon.
38And the Pharisee, lookin on, ferlied that he had‐na first purifyʼt his sel afore the denner.
39But the Lord said to him, “Noo, ye Pharisees purify the ootside oʼ the cup and the dish; but yere inner pairt is fuʼ oʼ extortion and sin.
40“Silly anes! didna he wha made the ooter pairt, mak the inner as weel?
41“Gie noo yere substance as awmous; and aʼ things are pure tʼye.
42“But wae for ye, Pharisees! for ye pit mint, and rue, and ilka gairden yerb under the tithe; and gang‐by true judgment and the love oʼ God. Thir things, hoobeit, it was needfuʼ to do; no to be gaun‐by thae!
43“Wae for ye, Pharisees! for that ye glaum at the heid‐places iʼ the kirks, and compliments iʼ the merkits.
44“Wae for ye! for ye are like the hidlin tombs: eʼen the men wha walk ower them are‐na ʼware oʼ them!”
45And ane oʼ the Writers, answerin, says to him, “Us, too, div ye lichtlie!”
46And he said, “It is for you, as weel, ye Writers! for ye burden men wiʼ burdens ill to cairry; and ye, yersels, eʼen wiʼ ae finger, touch‐na the burdens!
47“Wae for ye! for that ye bigg the monuments oʼ the prophets — and yere faithers slew them!
48“Sae are ye witnesses; and are ane wiʼ the deeds of yere faithers; for they slew, and#11:48 It wasna wrang to bigg; but their sin was that they did eftir the likeness oʼ their faithers: in aʼ things they war like them — eʼen to the slayin oʼ Godʼs messengers. And they thus testifyʼt that they war bairns oʼ siclike faithers, and that they appruvʼt oʼ their deeds. ye bigg!
49“Than said the wisdom oʼ God, ‘I wull send oot amang them prophets and messengers; and some amang them wull they slay, and some amang them wull they persecute;’
50“And sae sal aʼ the blude oʼ the prophets, shed frae the fundation oʼ the warld, be socht oot again this generation.
51“Frae the blude oʼ Abel to the blude oʼ Zechariah, he wha was destroyʼt atwixt the altar and the Hoose: yea, I say tʼye! it sal be socht oot frae this generation!
52“Wae for ye, the Writers! for ye tak awa the key oʼ knowledge: ye gang‐na in yersels, and ye keep back thae that wad gang in!”
53And whan he gaed oot frae thar, the Writers and the Pharisees begude desperately to beset him, and to provoke him to speak aff?-?haun oʼ mony things:
54Watchin for him; seekin to kep something oot oʼ his mooth to accuse him wiʼ.
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Luke 11: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.