John 19
His croon the thorns; his thron the cross; his couch the tomb — but nane the less a King! A wheen weel‐wishers come forrit.
1Than Pilate took Jesus, and had him scourged.
2And the sodgers wrocht a croon oot oʼ thorns, to pit on his heid; and they cleedit him in a purple robe.
3And quoʼ they, “Hail, King oʼ the Jews!” And they daudit him wiʼ their hauns.
4Sae Pilate gangs forth again, and quoʼ he to them, “Look, I fesh him forth tʼye, sae as ye may ken I find nae faut in him!”
5Than Jesus cam forth, wearin the croon oʼ thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate cryʼt to them, “Look at the man!”
6Whan the Heigh‐priests and the officers saw him, they cryʼt oot, “Crucify! Crucify!” Pilate says to them, “Tak ye him to crucify; for I find nae faut in him!”
7The Jews answerʼt, “We hae oor ain law, and aneath oor law he soud dee, for that he maks his sel Godʼs Son!”
8Whan Pilate heard that sayin, he was aʼ the mair fleyʼt.
9And gaed again intil the Judgment haʼ, and says to Jesus, “Whaur are ye frae?” But Jesus answerʼt‐him‐na.
10Than quoʼ Pilate to him, “Dae ye no speak tae me? Dae ye no ken I hae pooer to crucify ye, and pooer to lat ye gang?”
11Jesus answerʼt, “Ye coud hae nae pooer ava again me, gin it warna gien ye frae Aboon: sae he wha deliverʼt me to ye has the chief sin.”
12And frae that oot, Pilate wad fain lowsed him; but the Jews cryʼt oot, “Gin ye lat this man gang, ye arena Cesarʼs freend; ilka ane that mak oot his sel a king, speaks contrar to Cesar!”
13When Pilate heard that, he brocht Jesus forth, and sat his sel doon in the Judgment‐seat, in a place caʼd “The Plainstanes,” but iʼ the Hebrew, “Gabbatha.”
14And it was the preparation‐day oʼ the Pasche, and aboot the #19:14 The feck oʼ the MSS. say “saxt”: a wee wheen oʼ them only, say “third.” But we canna help thinkin it was nine oʼclock oʼ oor time, and that a wee bit error has cruppen intil the text. See the ither Evangelists.saxt ʼoor oʼ the day; and quoʼ he to the Jews, “Look at yere King!”
15But they cryʼt oot, “Awa, awa wiʼ him! Crucify him!” Quoʼ Pilate to them, “Wad I crucify yere King?” The Heigh‐priests replyʼt, “We hae nae King but Cesar!”
16Than he gied him up to them to be crucifyʼt. And they took Jesus, and led him awa.
17And he, cairryin his cross, gaed forth intil a place caʼd “The Skull,” whilk same is caʼd iʼ the Hebrew, “Golgotha” —
18Whaur they crucifyʼt him; and wiʼ him ither twa, here and yonder, and Jesus atween.
19And forby, Pilate wrate a title, and pat it on the cross. Noo thar was putten onʼt, “Jesus the Nazarene, the King oʼ the Jews.”
20And it was sae that a hantle oʼ the Jews read this title; for the bit whaur Jesus was crucifyʼt was nar‐haun the citie; and it was written iʼ the Hebrew, and eke iʼ the Latin and Greek.
21Than quoʼ the Heigh‐priests oʼ the Jews to Pilate, “Dinna write ‘King oʼ the Jews,’ but ‘He said, ‘Iʼm King oʼ the Jews!’ ”
22Pilate answert, “What I hae written, I hae written!”
23Than the sodgers, whan they had crucifyʼt Jesus, took his cleedin, and made it aʼ intil fowr pairts, to ilka ane, ane — and his inner coat as weel. Noo the inner coat was wantin ony seam; aʼ wrocht in ae piece frae the tap doon.
24They said ane till anither, “Lat us no rive it, but cast lots forʼt, whase it sal be!” Sae was fulfilled the Scriptur, that said, “They pairtit my garments for theirsels, and on my cleedin cuist they lots.” Thae vera things the sodgers did.
25But staunin by the cross oʼ Jesus war his mither, and his mitherʼs sister, Mary (she oʼ Cleophas), and Mary oʼ Magdala.
26Sae whan Jesus saw his mither, and the disciple wham he loʼed staunin by, he says to the mither, “Wumman, see yere son!”
27Again, he says to the disciple, “See! yere mither!” And frae that ʼoor the disciple took her to his ain hoose.
28Eftir this, Jesus, kennin that aʼ things war noo endit, that the Scriptur micht be dune, said, “I hae drouth!”
29A cog was thar, fuʼ oʼ soor wine; and they dippit a sponge inʼt, and pat it on a wand oʼ hyssop, and brocht it to his mouʼ.
30Whan Jesus had gotten the soor wine, he cryʼt, “It is dune!” and loutin doon his heid, gied up his spirit.
31Than the Jews — seein it was the Preparation — that the bodies soudna bide on the crosses ower the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a great day), craved Pilate to hae their legs broken, and they be taen doon.
32Than cam the sodgers; and brak the legs oʼ the first, and oʼ the ither, wha war crucifyʼt wiʼ him.
33But whan they cam to Jesus, and they coud see he was eʼen noo deid, they brak‐na his legs.
34But ane oʼ the sodgers, wiʼ a spear, proddit his side, and oot oʼt cam blude #19:34 Gin the pericardium was fuʼ oʼ clottit blude and watir, the heart maun hae been bursʼn. And gin he deeʼt oʼ a literal broken heart, and no the ordinar lingerin death oʼ the crucifixion, gat‐he‐na his prayer aboot the “cup passin frae him”? (Mark 14:36, and note); and “fell‐he‐na intil the hauns oʼ the Lord, and no intil the hauns oʼ men”? (II. Sam. xxiv. 14).and watir.
35And he wha beheld it, has gien witness; and his witness is truth; that ye micht believe.
36For thae things cam aboot that the Scriptur soud be fulfillʼt, “No a bane oʼ his sal be broken!”
37And ance mair, anither Scriptur, “They sal look on him they hae pierced!”
38And eftir thir things, Joseph oʼ Arimathea (himsel a disciple oʼ Jesus), craved Pilate that he micht tak awa Jesusʼ body; and Pilate loot him sae dae. Syne he cam, and took awa the corp.
39And eke cam Nicodemus (he wha at the first cam to him by nicht), bringin a hantle oʼ myrrh and aloes, throwe‐ither; aboot a hunner‐wecht.
40Sae they took the body oʼ Jesus, and rowʼt it iʼ the linen wiʼ the spices; as is the mainner oʼ the Jews wiʼ the deid.
41Noo at the bit whaur he was crucifyʼt was a gairden; and iʼ the gairden a new‐made tomb, in whilk man was neʼer yet laid.
42Thar, than, laid they Jesus, on accoont oʼ the Preparation oʼ the Jews; for the tomb was nar‐by.
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John 19: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.