Luke 6:38
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Bestow, and it sal be bestown upon you: gude measur, pangʼd doon and jouslʼt thegither, and skailin ower, sal they gie intil yere lap: for wiʼ yere ain measur that ye measur sal it be gien back to ye.”
Utforsk Luke 6:38
Luke 6:45
“The gude man, oot oʼ the gude gear oʼ his ain heart, brings oot what is gude; and the ill man, oot oʼ the ill, what is ill; for, oot oʼ the owercome oʼ his heart his mouʼ speaks.
Utforsk Luke 6:45
Luke 6:35
“But loʼe yeʼre enemies, and do them gude, and lend, lookin for naething back; and yere meed sal be great, and ye sal be bairns oʼ the Maist Heigh; for he is kindlie to the ungratefuʼ and the reprobate.
Utforsk Luke 6:35
Luke 6:36
“Be ye than mercifuʼ, eʼen as yere Faither is mercifuʼ.
Utforsk Luke 6:36
Luke 6:37
“And judge‐na, and yeʼse be‐na judged: condemn‐na, and yeʼse be‐na condemned: release, and yeʼse be released.
Utforsk Luke 6:37
Luke 6:27-28
“But I say to you wha hear: loʼe yere faes! do gude to them wha hate ye. “Be blessin them that ban ye; pray for them that ill‐use ye.
Utforsk Luke 6:27-28
Luke 6:31
“And as ye wad that men soud do to yersels, do ye eʼen the same to them likewise.
Utforsk Luke 6:31
Luke 6:29-30
“To him that clours ye on ae cheek, gie eʼen the ither; and frae him wha poinds yere coat, withhaud‐na yere cloak as weel. Bestow on ilk ane wha seeks frae ye; and frae him wha taks awa yere gudes, ask them no again.
Utforsk Luke 6:29-30
Luke 6:43
“For a sounʼ tree brings‐na forth feckless frute, nor dis a feckless tree bring forth gude frute.
Utforsk Luke 6:43
Luke 6:44
“For ilka tree may be kent by its ain frute: for folk gaither‐na figs oʼ thistles, nor oʼ a bramble gaither they grapes.
Utforsk Luke 6:44