I imagine you'll find a verse here that speaks to your conscience. If so, respond as the Lord leads you.
Proverbs 29:9 Man says: Negotiation is the way to work it out. God says: But it won't work with fools.
Mark 3:25 Man says: You have to stand up for yourself! God says: Work together, not against or you'll crash.
James 4:1-2 Man says: Why am I always in some kind of quarrel? God says: Conflicts come with lust, envy, and not praying.
Psalm 141:3 Man says: I think I need someone to be there and close my mouth. God says: It's good to pray regularly for God to help you with that.
Proverbs 24:17-18 Man says: I think it's great when bad guys are crushed. God says: Don't rejoice when your enemy falls. God is not pleased if you do.
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