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Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of DavidVoorbeeld

Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of David

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David’s Final Words To His Son

Solomon was preparing to become king of Israel, and he needed to learn about government, money and foreign affairs. David might have given him sound advice on these matters; however, a dying man does not have the time or motivation to deal with secondary issues, no matter how essential they may be in their own right. So, David got to the heart of the matter and stated the one burning issue that eclipsed all else. He told Solomon firstly, ‘Be strong, and show yourself a man’. You can learn how to run the government. You can learn about finances. You can learn military strategy. But if you don’t prove yourself to be a man, all of that knowledge will be for nothing. Then in verse 3, David went on to tell Solomon what makes a man – that the primary mark of a real man is that he obeys God with all his heart and soul; that he looks to the Scriptures for guidance in living for God. This takes courage and strength.

Whether you’re a man, woman or young person, your source of strength, wisdom and guidance comes from being in right relationship with Jesus Christ. To experience the best that life has to offer can only be found when we place our lives completely in the hands of God.

Written by Heidi Wysman

Want more? Check out the Real Hope Conversations Podcast and delve deeper into our conversation about Discovering Hope in the Life of David. Available wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Over dit leesplan

Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of David

A series by Heidi Wysman. David was anointed king at the tender age of 17, but only sat on the throne at 30. That’s a long gap but during those years David learned how to handle crises, love his enemies, honour authority...


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