God’s Heart For The PoorVoorbeeld

God’s Heart For The Poor

Dag 14 van 31

Your Right Hand

Is God at your right hand?

Psalm 109 ends with a beautiful praise of joy—joy because David knew that his current trials would end in victory. He knew God was leading him.

David assures us that God is an advocate for the poor and God pleads their case against their accusers. In fact, He stands at their right hand! What does it mean to “stand at the right hand of people in need”? Being at their “right hand,” He serves as their support and protection.

David speaks from experience here. God Himself stood at David’s right hand too. In Psalm 16:8, David says, “I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” God was David’s guide, leading him on a secure path. David had nothing to fear of the future because God was at his right hand.

May we acknowledge God at our “right hand.” May we journey through our lives with Him as our guide, advocate, and protector. When He is leading us, we are not ruled by fear of the future or lack of hope. Instead, we can submit to God’s leading, knowing He is our advocate and guide. He is standing at our right hand.

Dag 13Dag 15

Over dit leesplan

God’s Heart For The Poor

The Bible tells us that God “takes up the case” of those who have been crushed. When we follow His lead, we become an advocate for the poor—doing whatever we can to fight for justice. Over the next 30 days, we’ll take a compelling look into poverty and how God has entrusted us to respond.
