See Revival: A 10-day Journey with Geoffrey GoldenVoorbeeld

See Revival: A 10-day Journey with Geoffrey Golden

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Majestic And Mindful

Take a moment to consider the majesty of God. The sun, moon, and stars are the work of his fingers. The heavens are his handiwork. The galaxies express his artistic genius. Humanity itself is the demonstration of divine design. Truly, we can cry out with David and all of ancient Israel, “LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!“ (Psalm 8:1). 

God’s majesty is so great that even the heavens cannot contain it! And yet, “through the praise of children and infants“ he silences his enemies (v. 2). How is it that the God whose glory is above the heavens bends so low as to ordain strength through the mouths of babies and perfect their praise? “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” David asks (v. 4). How can this God be both majestic and mindful?

When God made humanity, he made us only “a little lower” than the heavenly beings. Some biblical translations read that we were created lower than “the angels,” while others read that we were made a little lower than God himself! However the verse is read, the implication is that Yahweh highly values mankind. He crowned humanity “with glory and honor” and “made them rulers over the works” of his hands (vv. 5-6). Everything that God created on earth, he placed under the jurisdiction of humanity. What an awesome privilege and responsibility! 

Do you see yourself like the majestic God sees you? Do you understand that the God who made you values you as much as anything else he has made? Do you recognize that God has given you a space of dominion where he wants you to thrive and make the world around you better? God is thinking about you. You’re in his heart and on his mind. God is faithful to fulfill his promises to you. He is establishing your strength, perfecting your praise, and empowering you to fulfill the God-ordained purpose and destiny for which you were designed. No matter what you’ve done, God has big plans for your life. He wants you to understand your significance in his grand story. He wants you to see yourself seated with Christ in heavenly places, a position purchased for you by the blood of Jesus (Eph. 2:6). 

The seasoned church folks used to say that “God sits high and looks low.” But the wonder and beauty of our Lord exceeds even this. He sits high, looks low, and raises up the lowly into an exalted position with him! The God of glory glorifies you! The majestic God is mindful of you.

Listen to the song wherever you find music!  


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See Revival: A 10-day Journey with Geoffrey Golden

Awaken to Jesus. Become aware of God’s nearness to you and your access to him in Christ. Join Sunday Best winner, Geoffrey Golden, on this journey through his newest album, "See Revival".
