The Hope QuotientVoorbeeld

The Hope Quotient

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The world has always been changed by individuals. History books are filled with stories about the lives of one person after another who did something that impacted the world. 

Abraham Lincoln unleashed hope in the world when he stepped up to the presidency, knowing it could cost his life, and won freedom for millions. 

Clara Barton was so shy, her parents sent her to a special school. But she became the first woman leader hired by the federal government, helped Civil War soldiers, and started the Red Cross, unleashing a legacy of hope for millions worldwide. 

German businessman Oskar Schindler caroused with Nazi soldiers while hiding and saving Jews right under their noses. He unleashed hope in countless lives around the world. 

I believe that the smartest thing any individual can do with their life is to make things happen that wouldn’t have existed without them. Now, that might cost something, but it might also be the greatest ride of your life.

Recently I was reading a magazine full of edgy toys and gear when I stumbled upon a cat toilet that cost fifty dollars. Now, I know a lot of cat lovers, but not one of them has a cat toilet (or just don’t admit it). 

Why not learn how to take the money you’ve been spending on some small, silly purchase every month and turn it into unleashing hope that has the power to change the world. 

I’ve known thousands of people who did exactly that. There were the girls who gave their shoes to the woman in Mexico. There were the people who got together to liberate the young women caught in the sex trade industry in Cambodia. There were the high school students who filled Pringles cans with cash and raised fifty thousand dollars to launch a child survival program in another country. 

We live in exciting times. Changing the world has never been more possible.

Think Up:

We live in a day where, because of connectivity, change can occur at a rate of speed that for most of human history was unthinkable. Diseases are being eradicated. Historic changes are happening rapidly that were never before possible. 

Who can you donate online to today that will make a difference? (Read on). 

Dag 57Dag 59

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The Hope Quotient

What’s at the heart of every thriving person, every thriving marriage, kid, and business? Hope! The Hope Quotient is a revolutionary new method for measuring—and dramatically increasing—your level of hope. Hope is more than a feeling; it’s the by-product of seven key factors.
