The Hope QuotientVoorbeeld

The Hope Quotient

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One of our mottos at Bayside Church is “Come, fail, but for God’s sake, try something.” Why insult God by dreaming really small plans?

Some dreams are just not big enough. People with a low dream have no real challenge and end up settling for whatever life brings. Or, their dreams are self-centered. When people say, “My dream is to make a lot of money then retire,” remember there’s never a U-Haul behind a hearse. Life is too short and your potential for impact is too great to build a self-centered life or settle for small dreams.

 Other dreams are unworthy. I see people with tremendous talent, ability, and potential giving first-class allegiance to second-class causes. One day the Lord will ask what you did with your gifts. I met a sharp Christian who was working hard to retain his church’s old name. I told him, “You are way too smart to give your life to this.” He was a world-class guy pursuing a second-class cause. Don’t give first-class allegiance to second-class causes.

 Some dreams are unclear, unfocused, misty. Vague dreams never generate energy. The dreams that take shape in the real world and change it for the better are those with a razor-sharp focus. Jesus Christ knew what he was about at twelve years of age. He said, “I must be about My Father’s business.” At the end of His life, He said, “It is finished.” You can’t say, “It’s finished” unless you know exactly what you were doing. Is a dream percolating in you? If so, how sharp and clear does it look?

Then there are the people with God-inspired dreams who know where they’re headed. The Word of God, the Spirit inside them, and the believers they trust all point them in the same direction. How do you know if the dream inside you really comes from God? Ask three questions about the dream:

1. Is it God-honoring?

2. Will it change lives and influence people? 

3. Does it resonate with godly, visionary people? 

Think Up:

If your dream has been achieved, is too small, or too vague, get a new God-given dream. 

Ask the three questions with your trusted advisors, then give it your all. (Read on). 


Dag 24Dag 26

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The Hope Quotient

What’s at the heart of every thriving person, every thriving marriage, kid, and business? Hope! The Hope Quotient is a revolutionary new method for measuring—and dramatically increasing—your level of hope. Hope is more than a feeling; it’s the by-product of seven key factors.
