The Hope QuotientVoorbeeld

The Hope Quotient

Dag 17 van 60

the You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you expect.

There’s a Bible story of four vision-filled friends with a huge expectation. They thought that if they got their sick buddy to Jesus, He could heal him. Their expectations rose so high, they threw their friend on a stretcher and carried him to the house where Jesus was. Their hopes were not diminished by size of the crowd outside. They jumped on the roof, sawed a hole, and hoisted their sick friend down to Jesus. 

It worked. Jesus completely healed their friend. The story of these four guys tells me that if your expectations are high enough, it’s possible to trigger a miracle. Our expectations won’t cause a miracle but can lead to God doing a miracle.

Why would we want to live any other way, when we know we can trigger a miracle in our own lives and in the lives of others?

On the other hand, the most depressing, debilitating acronym ever is TWNC: Things Will Never Change. This toxic thought will destroy your marriage, friendships, and career. TWNC replaces confidence with cynicism. TWNC replaces high hopes with depression and despair. TWNC blinds people to the possibility that God might have better days ahead. 

Things Will Never Change are such powerful words, they can handcuff the hands of God. Jesus didn’t do any miracles in His hometown of Nazareth. Why? The Bible says, “because of their unbelief.”

Most of us live the way most car companies operate. They unveil a concept car at an auto show. It rocks! When it comes out five years later, it reeks. How do they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Engineers say this is impossible, finance people say that is impossible, and by the time everyone is done, they’ve created a goofy car that nobody wants.

Start believing impossible things are possible. You’re going to get what you expect.

Think Up:

How can you keep from creating a goofy life for yourself?

What’s the best way to trigger a miracle? (Read on). 

Dag 16Dag 18

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The Hope Quotient

What’s at the heart of every thriving person, every thriving marriage, kid, and business? Hope! The Hope Quotient is a revolutionary new method for measuring—and dramatically increasing—your level of hope. Hope is more than a feeling; it’s the by-product of seven key factors.
