Debt Free: God's Promise, Our Duty & Your FreedomVoorbeeld

Debt Free: God's Promise, Our Duty & Your Freedom

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“Eucharisteo—thanksgiving—always precedes the miracle.” ― Ann Voskamp

The sinful woman did not have a seat at the table, but that didn’t stop her. Everything about her interaction with Jesus was unusual, but she didn’t sneak away. 

She followed her hope no matter where it led. The woman entered a house she was not allowed to be in, washed the feet of a man she was not allowed to touch, and received a gift she did not deserve to have. 

She passionately broke all the rules to reach the Jesus she knew could make her whole, and what does Jesus compare her story to? A person who had their debts forgiven.

The bigger the forgiveness, the bigger the love it incites.

Your debt is an opportunity for God to show up big. Your obstacle is an avenue for the grace of God to make a way where there was none, and provide you with a gift you did not deserve.

Faith requires a perspective-shift. The sinful woman began to see her past not as a reason to stay away from God, but as a reason to draw even closer to Him.

Your debt, once your perspective has changed, will cease to be a thing keeping you from fulfilling the purpose God has for you – and become a tool by which God will use to fulfill that purpose. 

The bigger the debt, the bigger the miracle. 

Dag 5Dag 7

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Debt Free: God's Promise, Our Duty & Your Freedom

What you believe about your debt will either help or hinder your ability to conquer it. Over the next 7 days, experience what God's truth says about your situation and the Biblical strategy available to you to overcome it.
