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Fearless: A Six-Week Journey Sample

Fearless: A Six-Week Journey

दिन 20 को 88

WEEK 2: LORD, ARE YOU IN THE STORM? THE WATER OF HIS WORD Read Ecclesiastes 7:13-14, Isaiah 45:7, 1 John 1:5, and Psalm 5:4. Note what you learn about God being over all. WALK ON TRUTH God is God in every way. We can trust Him, His character, and what He allows at ALL times: “In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians 1:11). I once heard Bruce Ware say that “God fully controls both good and evil, yet God is wholly good and is not evil in any respect whatsoever.” While thinking through the Scriptures you have read today, read Job 1:6-12. Then, pray and take all you have read to the Lord in prayer. FOCUS THE EYES OF YOUR HEART Quietly recite today’s focus verse to yourself. Hide it in your heart, meditate on it, and make it your prayer throughout the day. Deuteronomy 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no God beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.
Day 19Day 21

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Fearless: A Six-Week Journey

Learn how to move beyond the fear that overwhelms you and holds you back in your faith and enjoy a whole new life of freedom, fearlessness, and effectiveness in your life and witness! Ideal for busy moms, single women, and college students. A devotional from Thistlebend Ministries.
