Yochanan 10:10
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
The ganav does not come except in order that he may steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have Chayyim (Life) and that they may have it more abundantly.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:10
Yochanan 10:11
I am the Ro'eh HaTov (the Good Shepherd). The Ro'eh HaTov lays down his neshamah for the tzon.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:11
Yochanan 10:27
My Tzon hear my voice, and I have da'as of them, and they follow me.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:27
Yochanan 10:28
And I give to them Chayyei Olam, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:28
Yochanan 10:9
I am the derech hasha'ar. Through me, if anyone enters, he will come to yeshu'at Eloheinu and will go in and will go out and will find mir'eh (pasture).
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:9
Yochanan 10:14
Ani Hu the Ro'eh HaTov, and I have da'as of my tzon and my tzon has da'as of me.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:14
Yochanan 10:29-30
That which Avi has given me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch out of the hand of HaAv. I and HaAv are echad.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:29-30
Yochanan 10:15
Just as HaAv has da'as of me and I have da'as of HaAv, so I lay down my neshamah for the tzon.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:15
Yochanan 10:18
No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have samchut (authority) to lay it down, and I have samchut to receive it again. This mitzvah I received from HaAv of me.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:18
Yochanan 10:7
Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, therefore, again, Omein, omein, I say to you, Ani Hu the derech hasha'ar (way of the entrance) of the tzon.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:7
Yochanan 10:12
The gedungener, the one who is not the Ro'eh — the hireling, the one to whom the tzon does not belong — this hireling sees the ze'ev (wolf) coming and abandons the tzon and runs for his life and the ze'ev seizes them and scatters them.
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:12
Yochanan 10:1
Omein, omein, I say to you, the one not entering through the derech hasha'ar (way of the entrance) into the mikhla haTzon (fold [enclosure] of the sheep) but going up another derech, that one is a ganav and a shoded (robber).
अन्वेषण गर्नुहोस् Yochanan 10:1