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The Man in Christနမူနာ

The Man in Christ

6 ၏ နေ့ 3


"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love." Ephesians 1:4 KJV

God in His eternalness chose us in Christ to be blameless and holy in His sight. This is a great act of mercy and love. God knowing us even before we took our first breath predestined us to be men in Christ who will have no blame before Him. We did nothing. We didn't even pray for this, but God chose us for such a beautiful experience. May His name be praised!

God perfected us for a holy and blameless life in Christ Jesus. We became qualified for this blessing and gift of being blameless before God when we believed in Christ for salvation. God ordained that only in Christ will men experience such blessings. Every man in Christ has received this blessing of holiness and blamelessness. In Christ, we stand blameless and holy before God. Nothing now can hinder us from standing before God.

In many religions, men having the consciousness of their being unholy and full of blame before God, strive through diverse means to cover up their inability to stand blameless before the righteous God. No amount of sacrifice would give them the holiness they crave. No amount of striving will birth true blamelessness. But those of us in Christ have entered our rest in God. We no longer strive to attain God's standard of holiness. We are no longer afraid of being blamed. We are at rest; we have the right to access God boldly and talk things over with Him. We need not hide in His presence but with the psalmist, we can say "... In thy presence is fullness of joy; At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." (Psalm 16:11 KJV) Enjoy God's presence today without feeling guilty or unworthy of His presence. You are the beloved child of the Great Father-God. Rejoice!!!


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The Man in Christ

Join us for a transformative journey as we explore the profound truths of being a "Man in Christ." This 6-day study delves into the spiritual riches and identity that believers have in Christ, offering insights and revelations that will empower your faith and understanding.
