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Hey Girl: A 5-Day Devotional by Anne Wilsonနမူနာ

Hey Girl: A 5-Day Devotional by Anne Wilson

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Jesus Frees The Captives

Hey Girl!

Yesterday, we talked about how Israel was taken captive, but I purposely did not tell you the rest of the story…which has a joyous ending. While the day of destruction and captivity was heartbreaking beyond measure for the conquered and downcast Israelites, the Sovereign Lord kept His covenant and promise to His people, the apple of His eye, and allowed them to see freedom in their lifetime.

While they suffered greatly over the next generation, this suffering was temporary, and some who thought they would never see Jerusalem again eventually returned to their precious homeland. Can you imagine the rejoicing when the Lord honored the cries of their heart and freed them from their oppressors? It must have been just as exciting as when he had done it for them centuries before when they were enslaved in Egypt.

Can you see that the Lord has a tender heart toward those who are held captive? It may not be that an enemy nation is holding you captive, but we all have an enemy of our soul and sinful nature with a propensity to enslave us. Some chains are easier to see than others. We often feel anger or pity when we see someone addicted to drugs but hardly notice if they are addicted to social approval. It is obviously tragic when someone shakes their fist at God in defiance and unbelief, but we may not bat an eyelash at someone who rages against the person who slid into their parking space. From the Lord’s perspective, He probably sees a lot of areas in which we need freedom. And He knows He is the only way we will get it.

In Isaiah 61, the prophet shares the Lord’s promise that the captives would be freed 100 years before Babylon conquered and exiled them. A century before Nebuchadnezzar conquered them, the Lord already saw the tearful yet joyful reunions as they returned to their city. He promises to bind up the broken-hearted and proclaim freedom for the prisoners.

He still keeps that promise, which is sealed through the blood of Jesus, our Savior, who made a way for us to be truly free. We don’t have to live a life in chains to our sins… our past… our shame. A youth pastor recently shared a message in which he differentiated between condemnation and conviction. The former pushes us away from God, while the latter pulls us closer to Him and His loving heart. God does not intend for His children to be captivated by sin, nor does He want us to be taken captive in a prison of guilt and shame.

Girls, we have a lot in common with the Israelites taken captive. Sometimes it wasn’t our fault., but sometimes it was. Regardless, God has always had a plan to free us. He stood in our place and paid all our debts, dying on the cross to cover every sin we have ever committed and every sin we ever will. He paid every debt we owed and chose to release us from soul-stealing shame. He opened the gates of the prisons we are not to dwell in.

Like our spiritual ancestors who were caught up in captivity with no end in sight, we also can’t see the timeline that God does. We can’t see one year down the road, much less decades…or a century, but God can. And while our gracious Lord gives us many beautiful moments during our time here, we also realize that there will be hard seasons of loss. Of confusion. Of wandering. But isn’t it such a comfort to know we have a good Father with a good plan who never leaves our side?

I imagine Jesus and the Heavenly host cheering us on in these hard moments. You think this is the end, but don’t you give up, girls! You don’t understand this part of the story, but I am the Author, and I don't make mistakes. Turn the page, precious daughters. You feel like you don’t belong…like you are lost and wandering, But you do belong…you belong to Me. And you will always have a home with Me. You’re just not home yet.

P.S. Don’t forget you’re free. It’s who you’re made to be.

Scriptures to Meditate On:

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. -1 Corinthians 10:13
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me…He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. - Isaiah 61

Reflective Questions:

  • What captivates you?
  • What do you need to ask Jesus to free you from?
  • What would this next week look like for you if you walked in the blessed freedom that Christ died to give you?


Lord, may I be the most captivated with You! Thank you that You love me so much that you don’t want to leave me enslaved to anything. Not other people’s opinions of me. Not a worldly mindset. Not selfishness or pride. Not a fixation on beauty or money or power. Thank you that you have planted a love for Your Kingdom in me and that You water it with your love and care. You are a wonderful gardener, pulling weeds that don’t belong so the fruits of Your Spirit can blossom within me. Thank you that I find the greatest freedom not in the work of my hands but in Yours. I love you! In Jesus’ name, I pray…

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Hey Girl: A 5-Day Devotional by Anne Wilson

Hey Girl! This "Hey Girl 5-Day Devotional" touches on times of your life when you feel like you're struggling the most. It's a reminder that no matter what you're going through, God will never give you anything that you cannot handle. Don’t ever forget that you are a blood-bought and battle-fought child of the King!
