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21 Days to Sweeter Friendshipsနမူနာ

21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

21 ၏ နေ့ 9

Loving Your Enemies

But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. Luke 6:27-31, ESV

When our Australian Shepherd hears a funny sound or a word he isn’t sure about, he will cock his head to the right. It’s almost like he is asking a question with his head rotation.

Similarly, there are times I open the Bible and read verses that make me rotate my head. The words and the messages are so surprising I have to wonder about them. Today’s passage is just such a passage. Jesus spoke these words to those living while He walked on this earth. They must have been perplexed by some of what He said as well.

Consider a few of these:

  • Love your enemies.
  • Do good to those who hurt you.
  • Bless those who curse you.
  • Pray for those who abuse you.
  • If someone strikes you on one cheek, offer the other as well.
  • If someone wants your coat, give them your shirt also.

These things are so foreign to the way we are bent, but they are so like our Jesus. He did all of the things while He was here on earth.

What if we made Jesus our role model today, no matter how weird His instructions may seem?

Prayer– Jesus, will you give me the courage and the strength to behave like You? You were and are such a great model. I want to be more like You. I don’t think it will be easy, so I ask for much grace.

Reflect – As you think about some of these challenging instructions from Jesus, which one is hardest for you? Which is easiest? Why?


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21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

Friendships -- Relationships -- Community. We all need and desire these things, but often we do not enjoy them like we could and as God intended. Join us for a 21-Day Bible journey to encourage better relationships and more community. You will be inspired, challenged, and offered much practical wisdom about developing and maintaining deeper and more meaningful friendships.
