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My God Is Still the Same by Sanctus Realနမူနာ

My God Is Still the Same by Sanctus Real

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MGISTS Devo: Day 1

Perhaps one of the greatest truths we can come to understand and trust in is the fact that God will never change. James 1:17 says that the Father of heavenly lights does not change like shifting shadows. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Who God is, His nature and character, are as eternal as His very being. When we look at the context of the entire Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, we see this clearly.

In Genesis chapters 6-9 we see this display of God’s holiness and justice in that sin will not go unpunished. Mankind had become completely corrupt and walked away from God and the Lord was not passive about this. However, we also see that God longs for the redemption of His creation. We see He is merciful as He creates a way of deliverance and salvation through Noah and his family.

In the first half of the book of Exodus, we have the story of how God uses Moses to deliver Israel from slavery in Egypt. God establishes His covenant with them and through His chosen people begins to reveal Himself to all nations everywhere with the ultimate plan of delivering all of mankind. We see the Father’s longing for a people set apart, consecrated unto Himself, made different by knowing the one true God.

Through the prophet Isaiah, God spoke to us about a deliverer, redeemer, and savior who would come to “bring good news to the poor”, “bind up the brokenhearted”, “to proclaim liberty to the captives”…

Then, of course, Jesus shows up on the scene saying things like I AM the light of the world, I AM the good shepherd, I AM the bread of life, I AM from above, I AM the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me… 

In John chapter 8, after telling a woman caught in adultery that her sins were forgiven, something only God should say, the religious leaders of the day jumped on his case accusing Him of being demon-possessed.  Jesus responded to those Pharisees that day saying that if anyone would keep His word they would never taste death. Again shocked, they said, “Abraham and the prophets died! Are you greater than them??” Jesus said that Abraham actually rejoiced in seeing Jesus’ day! The Pharisees were beside themselves, saying “you’re not even fifty years old, how could Abraham have seen you??” Jesus simply said, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was, I AM”…

In Revelation 22, the Apostle John has a vision of Jesus proclaiming “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” This is all right after the Lord shows John that there will be a new Jerusalem, a new Heaven, and a new Earth and tells him that in the age to come there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears, and no more death! 

From the beginning of time, God has been all about the deliverance, redemption, freedom, and salvation of His children! Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever is Lord over the past, present, and future!

He wants there to be no barriers between us and Him! He wants us to be His people and for Him to be our God and He has done everything necessary for this to be the case. Through the gift of Himself in His only son Jesus, God has made the one and only eternal way!

Even before you were born God began pursuing your heart because of His great love for you and He will never stop pursuing you! God is still the same!

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My God Is Still the Same by Sanctus Real

A three day reading plan focused on the consistency of God's nature and character. Inspired by the hit single My God Is Still The Same by the band Sanctus Real, this Bible study helps us to see that even though our circumstances change constantly through out life, God's faithfulness remains.
