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Driven: Compelled to Missions by Christ’s Loveနမူနာ

Driven: Compelled to Missions by Christ’s Love

14 ၏ နေ့ 11

“I…will draw all people to myself”

Jesus attracted people (He still does.) People kept coming to Him, so much that the disciples at times seemed intent mostly on crowd control. Jesus healed more than bodies with His compassion, truth, and grace. The single Samaritan leper who came back to bow before Jesus in gratitude was already aware of His outer physical healing. Jesus responded by saying, “your faith has made you well,” inside as well as outside.

Jesus remarked aloud that the lone leper grateful enough to come back to Him was a Samaritan. Jesus pointed out, seemingly for His Jewish disciples’ benefit, that the thankfulness of this “foreigner” displayed a deeper level of faith than the other, apparently Jewish, lepers. Once again Jesus’ followers heard that the gospel was for people of another culture.

Later,  people who John’s gospel identifies as “Greek” came to Jesus during His final Passover on earth. When these Greek Passover worshippers came to seek an audience with Jesus, they may have heard Him talk about the cost of following Him. They also may have remained within the crowd to hear the Father’s thundering response to the Son and hear the Son say that He would draw “all people” to Himself. If so, these Greeks must have understood that regardless of their cultural background they would not exist merely on the outskirts of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus drew people and He will continue to do so. How can we present Him to people who may have not yet heard of Him, people who would be drawn to His presence? Where in the world might you get involved in sending His message?

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Driven: Compelled to Missions by Christ’s Love

What drives you to live beyond yourself, to embrace Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations? Jesus reached beyond His own people and calls His followers to do the same. These Bible stories will engage you in God’s vision and reveal what Michael Jordan, an Israelite servant girl, a Samaritan leper and others teach us about our own mission—and being compelled by Christ’s love.
