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Stress-Free Livingနမူနာ

Stress-Free Living

6 ၏ နေ့ 6

Practical and Spiritual Steps for Overcoming Stress

There is a solution for stress! When we are stressed, we often do not know what to do, and everything becomes chaotic. After God sets us free from stress through the grace and power of His Holy Spirit, we must learn to stay in His rest and peace and not fall back into a stressful lifestyle. As we surrender to the Lord and let Him work in our lives, there is no type of stress that can control us, and any adverse situation can be resolved with His supernatural power. His grace will be our strength, we will receive His wisdom, and everything will work together for good if we remain in His love. (See Romans 8:28.)

Here now are some practical and spiritual tips to help you live stress-free as you continue to have faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, remain in God’s presence, and live by His grace.

1. Practice a Healthy Lifestyle

Many times, stress accumulates because we do not take care of our physical, mental, and emotional health on a regular basis. To live free of stress, it is important to follow these foundational good practices: exercise regularly; eat a healthy, balanced diet; get enough sleep; stay active; and engage in activities that refresh your mind, such as a favorite hobby or sport. These are natural components of life that play an important role in the prevention and reduction of stress.

2. Keep Everything in Order

Disorder is stressful. It does not allow you to think clearly, hinders creativity, lowers performance, and increases the time it takes to complete a task. This means that, where there’s disorder, everything requires more effort, time, and energy. Make a decision to start putting everything in good order in the various aspects of your life, including your family relationships and finances.

3. Disconnect from Your Daily Routine

When we never disconnect from our routine, not even occasionally, we can fall into apathy or frustration. As our stress level rises and our creativity diminishes, we are pulled away from God’s purposes. However, when we take time for a change of pace, whether to explore a new idea or place, or take a refreshing break, our mind can be recharged and our attitudes can be renewed.

4. Give God Control

If we give God control of our lives, He will take care of all our needs. What He has called us to do is actually His work, not ours! We must allow Him to take full charge. Many people fall prey to stress because they have not surrendered their will to God. While they struggle to maintain control of their lives, they continue to carry the heavy burden of their problems. Today, surrender your will to God, and see how He manifests His power!

5. Rest in God’s Peace

We truly have a God of peace, so we do not need to live in a stressed-out state. Quite the opposite: we will have peace even in the middle of life’s storms. “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Let us follow the example of David, who, before a decisive battle, knew how to rest in God. That is why he declared, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:37). Similarly, we can say, “The Lord has delivered me before, and I am ready to see how He will do it again.”

6. Let Go of All Burdens

We need to learn to surrender all our burdens and anxiety to God. “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). No matter what burden is causing you stress, do not carry it any longer. Let it go, right now; give it to the Lord, because He will take special care of that situation. You need to let God deal with your financial problem, illness, past failings, lack of forgiveness, and so on. When we let go of our burdens, we can rest in God. 

7. Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

God’s Word urges us not to anticipate bad things happening to us: “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25). If you live stressed by something that causes you fear, that’s what you will attract. But if you live by faith, God’s blessings will come upon you.

8. Meditate on God and His Word

We must meditate on the Word of God, the Bible, which shows us the way of truth and will guide our thoughts and life. To meditate is to slowly consider an idea—to ponder it, think about it, reflect on it, and mull it over in the mind. As we meditate on God’s Word, or His thoughts, we will become filled with Him, and everything in our life will change for the better. 

Meditating on the Word also makes it easier for us to hear the voice of God in our spirit. When we get used to meditating on God’s Word, the next thing that will come is revelation, or a deep understanding by the Spirit of the truths we are reading. Keep in mind that it is not enough just to meditate. We must remain in the Word on which we are meditating. This means that we must act in accordance with what it says. “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).

9. Seek Inner Healing and Deliverance

If you find that after following the previous tips, you still cannot live free of stress, there may be a malignant spiritual influence at work from which you need to be freed. Look for a church that believes in the complete work of Jesus on the cross and ministers it. Jesus paid a high price for our freedom, and the work of the cross includes inner healing and deliverance. Sometimes we require the help of a mature believer who can minister to us and break the spiritual bondages that have come upon us and are hurting us, so that we can walk in the freedom of Christ. Today is the day the Lord wants to heal your heart and deliver you! He is waiting for you with open arms.

10. Maintain a Continuous Relationship with God

Living without stress requires an ongoing relationship with God through Jesus Christ that includes prayer and reading the Word. If you have not yet recognized Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please say this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that my sin separates me from You. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that You raised Him from the dead. I repent of all my sins and voluntarily confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I surrender every desire that is contrary to Your will. I renounce all worldly thinking and behavior. I ask Jesus to enter my heart and change my life. Amen!

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Stress-Free Living

Some stress is a natural part of life as we meet deadlines or reach for excellence. But stress develops into a serious problem when it becomes entrenched as a cycle we can’t shake. What’s the best way to manage normal stress and release the grip of unhealthy stress cycles? How can we live joyful and effective lives? This devotional shares essential spiritual and practical tools for Stress-Free Living.
