God Hears Herနမူနာ

Love Revealed
When a series of pink “I love you” signs mysteriously appeared in Welland, Ontario, local reporter Maryanne Firth decided to investigate. Her sleuthing turned up nothing. Weeks later, new signs appeared featuring the name of a local park along with a date and time.
Accompanied by a crowd of curious townspeople, Firth went to the park at the appointed time. There she saw a man wearing a suit, but he had cleverly concealed his face. Imagine her surprise when he handed her a bouquet and proposed marriage! The mystery man was Ryan St. Denis—her boyfriend. She happily accepted.
If you think Ryan’s expression of love for Maryanne is neat, think of God’s expression of love for us! “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9). Jesus willingly gave up His life so anyone who believes in Him can have an everlasting relationship with God.
Nothing can separate a Christian “from the love of God that is in Christ” (Romans 8:39). Now, that’s true love! —Jennifer

Written by women for women, these devotionals reassure each reader that God is with her, God is for her, and God hears her. The personal stories, Scripture passages, and inspirational quotes lift women up and remind them that God is bigger than the trials they face.