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Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To Thanksgivingနမူနာ

Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To Thanksgiving

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Today we will thank God for all he has created. In Genesis 1:26 it is recorded, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” God created all people in His image. 

Read John 13:34-35 and note who you are supposed to love. 

One of the easiest things to thank God for in my life are the people in it. At the same time, one of the easiest things to complain about in my life are the people in it. Tell me you can relate! 

The thing is, God said that we are supposed to love one another, not complain about each other. And when we do, we are proving that we are disciples of Him. 

A few years ago my husband and I were going through a hard time in our marriage. Nothing seemed to work—counseling, prayer, Bible studies, mentors, etc.—you name it, we tried it. I feel like the biggest shifter in my perspective when it comes to my husband was choosing to be grateful for him. This took a lot of effort, so don’t hear me say these words lightly. 

The best way I could love Chris was to choose to be grateful for him. So I grabbed a stack of post-its and every day for an entire year, I wrote one thing I was grateful for that he had done, and I’d stick it to the mirror in our bathroom. My heart changed. God changed my heart as I chose to see all the things I was grateful for in Chris, instead of all the things I was hurt by or resented. 

Gratitude changes our hearts. 

I’ve heard it time and time again: during the Thanksgiving season, the hardest part about the holiday is the people. Being with each other is hard; it really is. The second hardest thing about Thanksgiving, from what I hear often from others, is the lack of people—the ones who have passed away, or walked away. What we can learn is that we need to look up and take notice of the people that do surround our tables and fill our memories. 

To wrap up today’s devotional, we will simply pray according to Scripture—to celebrate our love for one another. 

Think about the people who fill your home or have filled your home(s), and take a moment and thank God for each of them by name. Pause on a few names and say specific things you are grateful for.

Think about all the people you work with on a daily basis or spend time with regularly. Thanks God for the gift of their presence. Praise God for even the things that frustrate you in the relationship, seeing them as God’s way of sharpening you and growing your character. 

Think of someone who has hurt you in a significant way, and thank God for them. I know this sounds horrible to make you do, but simply tell God thank you for how He has used that situation to make you stronger, and how He will use what you learned from that situation to change you. Thank God for the good he has worked out of a bad situation. 

Think about people who have had a significant impact on you spiritually and thank God for them. A verse that might prompt your heart is Ephesians 1:15-16, “For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”

Think of the type of relationships you are hungry for—maybe a friendship or a spouse. Tell God that desire and thank Him for the way He will provide in His way, and in His time. Pray for that person wherever they may be, and ask God to bless them and move mightily in their life now. 

Now pause for a moment longer and ask God to bring anyone else to mind that you could pray for, thanking God for their life. Maybe it’s a celebrity or a politician. Or maybe it’s someone that pops across your social media feed, perhaps it someone you don’t see very often. We have freedom to pray for everyone! 

It might encourage them each greatly to send them a text or note today to let them know you are praying for them. 

Read James 1:17 and thank God for all the good and perfect gifts He has given you!

Today’s song recommendation is: Thank You by artist Hillsong Worship.

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Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To Thanksgiving

THANKSGIVING: CHOOSING TO BE GRATEFUL A 5-Day Plan to Celebrate All God Has Given
