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Matthew 15

What fyles a man? The Canaan‐wumman. A great denner on smaʼ providin.
1Than cam Writers and Pharisees oʼ Jerusalem to Jesus; and quoʼ they,
2“Hoo isʼt yere disciples mind‐na the biddins oʼ the faithers oʼ auld? For they eat breid wiʼ unweshin hauns.”
3But he answerʼt them, and quoʼ he, “Hoo isʼt that ye too gang contrar to Godʼs commaun wiʼ yere biddens?
4“For God commandit, ‘Honor faither and mither,’ and, ‘Wha bans faither or mither, lat him dee!’
5“But ye say, ‘Wha says till his faither or his mither, It is aʼ #15:5 The awfuʼ selfishness oʼ a man telling his puir faither that he has devotit aʼ to God, and sae canna fend him — and the Pharisees sayin it was aʼ proper — is weel condemned here. The faitherʼs buird was bare: but the sonʼs heart grew stane — a waur ill to dree!devotit, ocht that ye micht hae by me;
6“ ‘He sal do nocht to mainteen his faither or his mither.’ Sae hae ye brocht Godʼs commaun to nocht by yere biddens.
7“Ye fause anes! Esaiah weel foretellʼt oʼ you, sayin,
8“ ‘This folk come nar me wiʼ their mouʼ, and gie me honor wiʼ their lips, but their heart is far awa!
9“ ‘But aʼ in vain worship they me, layin down for rules the biddens oʼ men.’ ”
10And he caʼd till him the folk, and quoʼ he to them, “Hear ye, and understaun!
11“It isna what gangs intil the mooth that fyles the man; but what comes oot oʼ the mooth that fyles the man!”
12Than cam his disciples, and quoʼ they, “Kennʼst thou the Pharisees war ill‐pleased, whan they heard yon sayin?”
13But he said, “Ilka plant no oʼ my Heevenlie Faitherʼs plantin, sal be uprutit.
14“Lat abee! theyʼre but blinʼ leaders oʼ the blinʼ! And gin the sichtless airt the sichtless, baith sal faʼ intil the sheugh.”
15Than up‐spak Peter, and quoʼ he, “Expone to us the parable!”
16And Jesus says, “Are ye eʼen yet wantin knowledge?
17“Div ye no ken, that whateʼer may gang in at the mooth, finʼs its way intil the paunch, and is cuisten oot intil the sewer?
18“But thae things whilk come frae the mooth, come oot frae the heart, and they fyle the man!
19“For frae the heart come oot ill‐thochts, bludeshed, adulteries, lecherie, thievin, fause‐sweerin, blasphemies;
20“Thir things fyle a man; but to eat wiʼ hauns unpurifyʼt fyles‐na a man!”
21And Jesus gaed thence, and cam to the pairts oʼ Tyre and Sidon.
22And see! a Canaanite wumman cam oot frae thae pairts, and cryʼt oot till him; and quoʼ she, “Hae pitie on me, O Lord, thou Son oʼ Dauvid! my dochter is sair vexʼt wiʼ a demon!”
23But he answerʼt her no a word. And his disciples cam and entreatit him, and quoʼ they, “Send her awa, for she skreighs eftir us!”
24But he answerʼt, and said, “I wasna sent, but to the forwanderin sheep oʼ Israʼlʼs hoose!”
25And she cam nar, and worshippʼt him, sayin, “Lord! help me!”
26But quoʼ he, “It isna bonnie to tak bairnsʼ breid, and to cast it to the dowgs!”
27And she said, “Even sae, Lord! yet the vera dowgs eat oʼ the mools faʼin frae the maisterʼs buird!”
28Than answerʼt Jesus till her, “Eh, wumman! yere faith is great! Lat it be till ye as ye wull!” And her dochter was made hale frae that ʼoor.
29And Jesus gaed awa frae that place, and came nar to the Loch oʼ Galilee; and gaed up intil a mountain, and sut him doon.
30And great croods oʼ folk cam to him, haein wiʼ them lameters, sichtless, dumb, maimed, and mony mair; and laid them doon at Jesusʼ feet; and he healed them.
31Sae that the folk ferlied uncolie, to behauld the dumb speakin, the maimed hale, the lameters to gang, and the blinʼ seein; and they glorifyʼt the God oʼ Israʼl.
32Than Jesus caʼd his disciples to him, and quoʼ he, “I hae pitie on the folk, for that they hae been wiʼ me noo thrie days, and hae nae meat; and I winna send them awa, least they soud swarf iʼ the gate.”
33And the disciples said to him, “In whatna way coud we hae sae muckle breid iʼ the wilderness, as to fill sae great a crood oʼ folk?”
34Jesus says to them, “Hoo mony bannocks hae ye?” And they said, “Seeven; and a wheen wee speldrins.”
35And he commandit the folk to sit doon on the grunʼ.
36And he took the seeven bannocks, and the fish, and gied thanks; and he brak, and gied to the disciples, and they to aʼ the folk.
37And they did aʼ eat, and war filled; and they gaitherʼt up oʼ the broken meat left, seeven creels fuʼ.
38And they wha did eat war fowr thoosanʼ men, forby weemen and bairns.
39And he sent the folk awa; and gaed intil a boat, and cam to the pairts oʼ Magadan.


Matthew 15: SCO1904





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