Luke 22:42
Contemporary English Version (Anglicised) 2012
“Father, if you will, please don't make me suffer by making me drink from this cup. But do what you want, and not what I want.”
Luke 22:42ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။
Luke 22:32
But Simon, I have prayed that your faith will be strong. And when you have come back to me, help the others.”
Luke 22:32ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။
Luke 22:19
Jesus took some bread in his hands and gave thanks for it. He broke the bread and handed it to his apostles. Then he said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this as a way of remembering me!”
Luke 22:19ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။
Luke 22:20
After the meal he took another cup of wine in his hands. Then he said, “This is my blood. It is poured out for you, and with it God makes his new agreement.
Luke 22:20ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။
Luke 22:44
Jesus was in great pain and prayed so sincerely that his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood.
Luke 22:44ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။
Luke 22:26
But don't be like them. The most important one of you should be like the least important, and your leader should be like a servant.
Luke 22:26ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။
Luke 22:34
Jesus replied, “Peter, I tell you that before a cock crows tomorrow morning, you will say three times that you don't know me.”
Luke 22:34ရွာေဖြေလ့လာလိုက္ပါ။