
Psalm 73:26 Man says: I just don't think I'll be able to handle it. God says: Your only reliable strength is God.
Psalm 118:24 Man says: This is going to be a long day! God says: For real joy, Choose joy each day. God made it after all.
Proverbs 17:22 Man says: I don't feel too good. God says: Choose Joy. You'll feel better.
Ecclesiastes 9:7 Man says: I must work hard - lots to get done! God says: Have fun! Your life is approved, Christian!
Malachi 4:2 Man says: I am often broken by people treating me unfairly. God says: God is the healer. Go to Him. Joy can follow.
OK, which word from God was most meaningful for you this day?
Perihal Pelan

Sukacita merupakan asas kepada iman Kristian. Sukacita anda bertambah bila anda bertemu dengan Allah dan merenungi Firman-Nya. Ayat-ayat berikut, bila dihafal, akan membantu menambahkan sukacita dalam kehidupan anda! Biarlah kehidupan anda diubah melalui penghafalan Alkitab