Kemarahan Sampel

Mad at someone right now? Maybe God has a verse for you right here!
Proverbs 21:14 Man says: Nothing calms her down once she gets started. God Says: Gifts can calm anger. (But there's a lot more to be done than that!)
Proverbs 29:11 Man says: When I get mad, it's hard to hold it in. God says: Hold back anger. Fools let it out.
Daniel 3:19 Man says: When I'm furious, will I do stupid things? God says: Unbridled anger DOES do stupid things.
2 Timothy 2:24 Man says: Perhaps I argue too much, but I still want to be a servant. God says: Servants aren't argumentative. They are patient when wronged. They're kind.
1 John 4:20 Man says: I hate that person! God says: A Christian cannot love God and hate anyone.
Perihal Pelan

Manusia yang terbaik pun pernah hilang sabar dan marah! Respons anda terhadap kemarahan sepatutnya berdasarkan kepercayaan dalam Allah dan renungan FirmanNya. Gunalah Pelan Bacaan "Percaya" bersama topik "Kemarahan". Ayat-ayat berikut, bila dihafalkan, akan membantu anda respon dengan wajar terhadap kemarahan. Biarlah kehidupan anda diubah melalui penghafalan Alkitab! Untuk sistem penghafalan Alkitab yang menyeluruh, kunjungi