True North: LIVE Free 30 DaysSampel

True North: LIVE Free 30 Days



"We can do this together!" That is what the Trinity wants us to hear. The idea or religious fog that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are distant and that we cower in fear is a distortion and untrue. It is a lie from our enemy.

You are a beloved son. We live in a broken and brutal world that uses fatherlessness to weaken us. It is an attack that leaves us feeling alone. And in our feeling of aloneness, the enemy lies to us. The wounds are torn open and we are taken back to:

  • I am alone
  • I am not good enough
  • I am powerless
  • I am weak
  • I am too much this or not enough that
  • I am unattractive
  • I am not certain about my sexuality

Do you see it? Do you see how the enemy wants to separate you from your Father? When you embrace the fathering that God offers, then the attacks are weakened. You begin to find your true identity. You find and know your Father. You find sonship.

Keep your heart open. Whatever you do, keep your heart open. Will you be vulnerable? Yes. Will you get wounded again? Very likely. But if you close your heart, you lose the communion and journey of sonship with your Father. Do not fear the wounds you may take as you bask in the sonship of your Father. He is a great and perfect Dad. He will lead you through the hard times. He will let you trip and fall so that He can help you up and guide you to who you are, the real you, the unstoppable son that is His heir.

Hari 25Hari 27

Perihal Pelan

True North: LIVE Free 30 Days

LIVE Free: 30 Days is a reading plan intended to offer freedom to the hearts of men. Each day will challenge and invite you into the journey to walk with God, engage in the larger story, and live free. You are not abandoned. You do have an enemy. You have a Rescuer. Some content in LIVE Free: 30 Days was developed from Wild At Heart Ministries resources.
