It Happened in PrayerSampel

It Happened in Prayer


One of the Bible’s most image-rich descriptions is Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane. In this account, we see Jesus praying so intently that his sweat becomes like drops of blood. The prayer he prays is one of the most agonizing yet touching and relatable prayers that Jesus prays. In this moment, Jesus acknowledges that the time has come, and He will have to endure the cross for our sins. He prays earnestly three times to the Father if what the cup of suffering He will have to endure could pass from Him. Each time He says, “nonetheless not my will, but Your will be done.”

This painful realization is the epitome of Jesus’ love for us. To stare death in the face in prayer and receive an answer contrary to what the flesh wanted to hear—that deserves a thank you, Jesus, right there. It was in prayer that Jesus received the agonizing confirmation of what He was tasked to do.

I include this in the devotional to share that answers received in prayer are not always what we want to hear. Additionally, the task God has for us is not always something we want to do. However, it is in Jesus’ example of submitting to the will of God by way of prayer that He was given the name above every name.

I encourage you to trust that even if the answer you receive in prayer is painful, God’s plan for your life is better than you envisioned. He knows what is best for us even when we think we know better than him. Isaiah 55 tells us that His ways are higher than ours, and we must trust that. I believe that Jesus had to model this for us so that in our Gethsemane moments, which means oil press, we would look to Jesus for comfort.

Prayer: Father, thank you for sending your son Jesus so I could be saved. Lord, thank you for choosing to endure the cross for me despite what it meant you had to go through. I choose to trust your will for my life even when it doesn’t seem beneficial. Help me look unto you in these moments of conflicting wills. In Jesus name, amen.

Hari 5Hari 7

Perihal Pelan

It Happened in Prayer

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines for believers. When we pray, we must have confidence in God that we will receive what we ask according to His will. This Bible plan serves to reinvigorate readers' belief in the power of prayer. As a result of reading this Bible plan readers will acknowledge that what they are believing for happened in prayer.
