Steady Your Soul: Clinging to God in Change and TrialSampel

Steady Your Soul: Clinging to God in Change and Trial


Firm Foundation

Read Psalm 121

Stand Firm in Truth

“Can you keep him today?” I text my husband at his new job as I survey the boxes stacked high in my kitchen. From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of my son toddling toward the stairs and quickly scoop him up before he can get hurt. I let out an exasperated sigh as I set him back down, and he immediately starts toward the box marked FRAGILE. I know my husband’s ability to keep him at work is a long shot, but I also know there is no way I can get any unpacking done with this rambunctious little guy next to me. Keeping him requires constant vigilance, especially now that he’s learning to walk.

Ever since my son started taking steps, I spend my days keeping up with him. As he hobbles around on his chunky, unstable legs, I walk with him, always ready to catch him when he stumbles or guide him in a different direction when he’s headed for danger. Learning to walk is a big change for him, and I know it’s my job to keep him safe and help him navigate the world on his two little feet.

And while I technically learned to walk a long time ago, as I sit on the floor of my new home, in a new city once again, I can’t help but feel like I’m learning to walk again too. The change of another cross-country move has left me feeling unsteady and unsure in an unfamiliar reality. Not only do I need help simply finding the grocery store (praise God for Google Maps), but I also need help navigating new friendships and integrating into a new church community. Though exciting at times, this change is often disorienting and overwhelming.

Thankfully, in the moments I feel wobbly, I know that I’m not alone. Much like I walk with my son as he takes new and unfamiliar steps, I know that God is walking with me too. And even in the uncertainty of life’s biggest changes, I can be steadfast because God is my Keeper.

As children of God, when change leaves us unsteady, we can rest assured that God is with us in every step we take. Whether we’re learning to live without a loved one, stepping into a new season of life, or navigating a move to a new city, we never have to take those first shaky steps alone. God, our Keeper, is waiting to catch us when we stumble and redirect our steps when we’re headed the wrong way. He is always Vigilant, never sleeping or otherwise distracted from our cries for help. His Steadfast Love and Kindness orient us in even the most uncertain circumstances. He is a Good Father, and even when everything in our lives is turned upside down, He keeps us in the palm of His Steady Hand.

This is good news when the changes of life take us over rocky terrain. Our Good Shepherd not only strolls with us by still waters but also guides us as we hike mountains and trek through valleys, ensuring that our feet never slip from His Capable Hands (Ps. 23:1–4). He goes before us, preparing the way, providing and equipping at every turn. And though that doesn’t mean we never experience the dangers of this world, it means we’re safe with our Protector, the Keeper of life on Earth and in Eternity forevermore.

While keeping a toddler who’s learning to walk is often exhausting, it’s all worth it when my son reaches up his little hands for me whenever the path is too much for him. My heart melts with compassion as I pick him up and carry him in my arms until he’s ready to explore again. It’s easy to imagine that this is how our Heavenly Father feels when we reach up to Him, trusting in the Security and Steadfast Strength of His Arms to carry us when our feet can’t.

So whenever change starts to leave you feeling unsteady, uncertain, or even just a little wobbly, lift up your eyes to your Keeper, sister. Raise your hands to your Heavenly Father and allow Him to pick you up and carry you in the palm of His Hand. Trust that He is watching over every step you take, instilling within you a sure-footed faith in His Steadfast Nature. Day and night, going out and coming in, through the highs and lows and every transition of life, your help comes from God alone, and your steps are steadfast when you’re walking with Him. No matter how shaky your changing circumstances may be, in God, you are always kept.

Hold Fast to Hope

What kind of season are you walking in? How does being kept by God in this season help you walk through it?

Write Psalm 121 in your own words and apply it to your current circumstances.

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

Steady Your Soul: Clinging to God in Change and Trial

In seasons when everything is changing, we must cling to our unchanging God as a Steadfast Rock in the storm. Cultivate steadfast faith in God’s Faithfulness with this 5-day devotional by Well-Watered Women. Each day includes a Scripture reading, devotional, and application questions.
