Level Up: A 7-Day Journey to Help You Advance in Your CallingSampel

 Level Up: A 7-Day Journey to Help You Advance in Your Calling



“You’re full of potential!”

I’m sure you’ve heard these words spoken over you before. Perhaps it was from a parent, a teacher, or a coach. When we consider this statement on our potential, we can conclude that it’s one of the most encouraging things to hear. Yet, it’s also one of the most discouraging things to hear—depending on when or how you hear it.

On one hand, it’s a statement packed with promise pointing to all you can be and have not yet become; all you can do and have not yet done. But on the other hand, it’s an indication that there’s room for improvement, that you’re underperforming and not meeting expectations.

What began as a compliment can easily become a painful critique, an ever-present reminder that we’re not where you could be—or, painfully, where we should be. And it’s in these moments where we must accept that it’s not enough to be full of potential unless it’s being realized.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is unfulfilled potential—all that could’ve been but wasn’t. Sobering, isn’t it?

If you died today, what would die with you? What dreams would never be fulfilled? What talents would remain buried forever? What legacy would never be left behind?

Potential is a word that hints of more. But, if we are going to discover this more and realize all that we could become and do, we must shift from where we have potential to where we are potent.

Potent is another interesting word that means “achieving or bringing about a particular result.” A person who is potent is realizing their potential—alive with purpose, passion, and power. Therefore, potent is a posture that activates your potential.

Over the next few days, we’ll explore five key areas that contribute to possessing a potent posture. This upward journey begins with an awakening followed by action, acquisition, and association, all of which lead to actualization.

We’ll explore each of these over the next few days. Again, it’s not enough to be full of potential unless it’s being realized.

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

 Level Up: A 7-Day Journey to Help You Advance in Your Calling

One of the greatest tragedies in life is unfulfilled potential—all that could’ve been but wasn’t. Sobering, isn’t it? It’s not enough to be full of potential . . . unless it’s being realized. In this 7-day journey, you’ll discover how to advance in your calling and never get stuck. You have one shot at this life to give it everything you have. Level Up will show you how.
