The Good Mess: Finding Beauty in Imperfect MomentsSampel

The Good Mess: Finding Beauty in Imperfect Moments


Be Unapologetically You

By Elaine Fisher

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
–Psalm 139:13 (NKJV)

God often gives me a word or phrase to focus on at different times in my life. Sometimes, the words last for a short period, and other times, they stick with me for a couple of years. Sometimes they come through my personal time with God, and other times through a mentor or friend. But the Lord has been pressing one particular phrase on my heart for the past few years.

Growing up, the temptation to be Robert Morris Jr. or Debbie Morris 2.0 was real. Everybody loves my parents, and they have impacted thousands of lives, so why wouldn’t I want to be like them? I’ve learned that I am easily influenced by people around me. As an adult, I have even thought, Well, I love how Charlotte Gambill preaches, so I should preach like her. Or I should be more like Joyce Meyer. Or Dad would say it this way.

Then one day a mentor said to me: be unapologetically you. It resonated so deeply that I knew it wasn’t just some catchy phrase—it was from God for me. This set me on a journey to find out who I am what I would say, and how I would say it. God didn’t create me to be a mini Priscilla Shirer or a Christine Caine 2.0. That’s not to say I can’t learn and grow from watching or emulating others who are experts or seasoned in their fields, but this phrase propelled me to find my voice and settle into who God has called me to be, not who I think I should be.

I began asking myself questions: Will I be confident in who God has called me to be? Will I do everything He says to me? Or will I get distracted doing the next big thing? Am I going to get distracted by how that mom does things?

Don’t waste time chasing after who you think you should be or even who someone else thinks you should be. You may miss out on who you were created to be! Don’t live in “shoulds” that hinder you from becoming who God created you to be—you! God did not call you to be someone else. He already has them. And He will not anoint a mask. He called you to be you because He needs your voice in this day and age. What would have happened if Esther had decided she needed to be more like Ruth? Or if Mary decided she should be like Martha?

Who are you trying to be? A parent, a relative, a pastor, someone on social media, a friend, or a famous person? We can respect and admire people, but the only Person we need to seek to be like is Jesus. Second Corinthians 3:18 says that when we see God for who and what He truly is, we can be transformed into His image through the Holy Spirit. Look to Jesus—the only One worth mirroring.

Release the limits on who you are. Release the pressure you’ve placed on yourself. You have a unique perspective, a unique experience, and a unique influence on your world that God created you to impact. And your voice might be the one to save a generation (see Esther 8. Well, actually, check out the whole book of Esther!).

God created you in His image. Stop looking for you in someone else. Be unapologetically you!

Finding Beauty in the Mess

Who are you tempted to emulate? Ask the Lord today to show you how He sees you and who He has called you to be.

Was this plan helpful? We adapted this plan from The Good Mess by Debbie Morris and Elaine Fisher.

To read more of Debbie and Elaine’s stories and encouragement, order the book at

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Perihal Pelan

The Good Mess: Finding Beauty in Imperfect Moments

Beauty can be found in life’s imperfect moments. In this plan consisting of excerpts from the new devotional The Good Mess, mother-daughter duo Debbie Morris and Elaine Fisher share six of thirty-six stories that all women can relate to. Find out how God can rewrite our messes into stories that bring Him glory!
