Dream Devo - SEU ConferenceSampel

Dream Devo - SEU Conference


God’s ultimate dream for all of creation is to bless them with the redemption and salvation found in the love of Jesus Christ. As followers of Jesus, we are commissioned by Christ to share with others the blessing of Jesus. When we have faith in God’s dream and are obedient to it, other people will be blessed. When God blesses us, He often intends for us to bless others. So when God blesses us by giving us a dream, it is often intended for others to be blessed through it.

The apostle Paul was given a vision of one Macedonian man in Acts 16 that God wanted him to evangelize. Before this dream, Paul had mainly been evangelizing in cities and regions that he was familiar with, but traveling to Macedonia would require him to take a step of faith into new terrain. Paul was obedient to God and listened to the vision the Spirit gave him, and as a result, the first church of Macedonia was planted. A few years later, Paul remarks about how the Macedonian church had grown tremendously and was consistently faithful to the Lord and His servants. The church of Macedonia started with God’s dream to Paul about one man in Macedonia. Because Paul trusted in God and was obedient to His dream, the good news and blessing of Jesus Christ spread among the Macedonians and they grew into a faithful church.

Paul’s obedience and faith in God’s dream resulted in many others being blessed. God invites us into His dream so that we can ultimately bless others with the truth and love of Jesus. God’s dreams may ask us to step into new lands and walk in faith, but God’s dreams always have a purpose for growing His kingdom and blessing others. Remember that God’s dreams have a purpose not only for ourselves but also for others and your obedience to God’s dream can result in many being blessed.

Self Reflection:

  1. How have I been blessed through someone else’s faithful obedience to God’s dream?
  2. How have I been a blessing to others through my obedience?
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Perihal Pelan

Dream Devo - SEU Conference

God has always had a dream. Whether you call it a vision, a plan, or a purpose, God’s always been dreaming. God’s desire is that all of creation would experience and know the love of Christ. He has been relentless in His pursuit that we would experience life to the full.
