Sealed - Part 1Sampel

Sealed - Part 1


Day 3: The Seal on the Heart

The phrase "seal your heart" is written in a poetic language and captures the depth of love and commitment – ​​an unbreakable bond – a covenant. It means a love that is not easily shaken, so safe and deep that it becomes an integral part of the being.

In Songs 8:6, where the person asks the listener to place a Seal on her heart, it can be understood that the bride is making this request. But if we look at the entire story of God told throughout the Scriptures, the love of human beings is too fragile and petty compared to the irresistible and tremendous Love of God. The One who asks to place Him as a seal on the bride's heart can only be the Bridegroom Himself, King Jesus - for only the King's Love is as strong as death and filled with the unquenchable fire of jealousy. Jesus' Love for His Bride is as powerful and definitive as the grave. And to the Bride of His Heart, the one who has matured in His Love, He says, "Set Me as a seal of fire upon your heart, My Bride."

This Fiery Seal is a process. It begins the day we are born again when the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and continues to take hold and adhere to the heart throughout our lives and beyond into Eternity. It is a Seal of the Mark of the Heart of God that unites with the heart of the human being.

This Mark changes so many things about the bride. She starts to see the world around her differently. It is a Seal that leaves your heart always insatiable, wanting to be close to Him, hear His Voice, see His Power, and, who knows, even touch Him. It is as real as if there were a piece of unique material that is not part of the human organic constitution, that is protective, satisfying, renewing, and, at the same time, painful, yearning for the fullness of His Presence and His Heart.

And anyone who sees this Sealed woman realizes she is no longer normal, like everyone else. For her, some things lose their meaning and others start to make perfect sense. There is something supernatural about her because she has been Sealed.

My Prayer:

Father of Lights, I know that You, out of Your Mercy, found me in the darkest places, called me, and placed a Seal of Your Love on me. Continue Your Work of Purification in my life. Increase my hunger and thirst for more of God. And may the Seal of Your Fire affix on my heart more, changing who I am today, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Hari 2Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Sealed - Part 1

Song of Songs speaks of the spiritual truths of the relationship between King Jesus and His Bride, the Church - the most epic Love Story. The Bride's journey begins with a cry for the kisses from the Word of God and ends with a Seal of Fire on Her heart. Song of Songs 8:6, the culmination of this Song, talks about the Seal on those who desire maturity in God.
