Jesus Style Leadership 3 - Crop & FaithSampel

Jesus Style Leadership 3 - Crop & Faith


Faith Visions and Courage

Leadership Lesson

It will take courage to believe and pursue what God promises to do.

Read Joshua 1:6–9.


As a Jesus-style leader, you will receive faith visions from God. That is, God will tell you what He is going to do and then call you to have faith in His revelation. These faith visions from God are revealed through many different means. Sometimes they come from those who lead you. Sometimes they come through a supernatural experience. Sometimes they come from the Spirit whispering in your heart. Most commonly, they come from Scripture. While you meditate on God’s word, He speaks and reveals His truth to you. That’s why the consistent study of Scripture is essential to faith (1:8). But whatever way God reveals his faith visions to you, it will require courage to believe and pursue them. Joshua’s faith vision was to conquer the land of Canaan. That’s a big one; it was completely impossible with the resources he had. As Joshua stood nervously on the verge of his first battle, God came alongside and assured him three times, “Be strong and courageous.” Fear and discouragement will probably be the biggest battles your faith will face (1:9). When you experience these challenges, listen to God as He says, “This is my promise. Trust me. I will be with you wherever you go (1:9). We’re doing this together.”


As I pursue Your faith visions for me as a leader, I know Your words to Joshua will become critical for me again and again. May I hear Your words, “Be strong and very courageous,” when I am overwhelmed, when I am disappointed, when I am burdened, when I can’t see any way forward, and when I feel that I have nothing more to give. Please keep assuring me that You are with me wherever I go and that You will fulfill Your promises.

Personal Reflection

As a younger leader, many of your faith visions will come through those who lead you. They will share with you the dreams that God has given them. They will speak God’s words to you. What is God saying about the future of your ministry through those who influence you? Where do you need to have courage at the moment?

Hari 16Hari 18

Perihal Pelan

Jesus Style Leadership 3 - Crop & Faith

Jesus-Style Leadership (JSL) offers 80 biblical devotions designed to help young Christian leaders develop a biblical way of leadership that will ensure their leadership calling and gifting are greatly used by God in His kingdom. JSL is all about leading Jesus' way. This third plan focuses on the need to produce a kingdom crop and to hear and have faith in God's voice.
