4 Lies About Money the World Wants You to Believe (And the Biblical Truth)Sampel

4 Lies About Money the World Wants You to Believe (And the Biblical Truth)


The world often tells us to hold onto what we have, to only give when we have extra. But today, we're going to flip that script with a little help from God's word.

As we explore this, take a few minutes to examine whether this lie has taken root in your heart. If so, let's meditate on these scriptures and prayerfully ask God to replace the lie with the truth of His word.

The world’s lie: “Don’t give until you have extra that you don’t need.”

The Truth: If you want more to manage start giving now. Give from the first of what you get and give the best.

Now, you might be thinking, "But I barely have enough for myself, how can I give to others?"

Well, that’s the thing about God’s ways. They always are in opposition to the world’s ways.

Proverbs 3:9 instructs us to, "Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops."

As scary as it can be to make giving the first thing we do with our increase, God honors it.

And I love how Proverbs 11:25 reminds us that when we give to help others, we can trust that our needs will be met. When we give, we're not only blessing others, but we're also blessing ourselves.

Of course, the intention should never be to “give to get,” but the Biblical truth is that we reap what we sow. Just like 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 so powerfully illustrates.

So, if you are currently giving from the leftovers, let me gently challenge you to begin giving first. And do it as an act of faith - trust that God will hold to His promises.

Hari 2Hari 4