The Marriage Expedition - Captives to ConquerorsSampel

The Marriage Expedition - Captives to Conquerors


Marriage out of Egypt - Redeemed

With a strong and powerful hand, the Lord brought us out of Egypt, from the house of bondage and slavery. Exodus 13:14b

Moses the deliverer of Israel: The word of God says in Exodus that God heard the cry of distress of the Israelites and remembered the Covenant that He had made with Abraham. So God chose Moses as the deliverer of Israel. God promised to Israel saying, “I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will free you from their bondage, I will redeem and rescue you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment (against Egypt)” Exodus 6:6. God used Moses as His mouthpiece to deliver Israel from their captivity. He delivered Israel through His mighty acts.

Jesus the Redeemer & Strong Deliverer: God’s deliverance of Israel through Moses from Egypt sets the stage for the Redemptive Work of God through Jesus Christ.

Just like how the Israelites became slaves in Egypt the sin that started with Adam and Eve continued and the entire human race became slaves to sin and satan. God sent His Son, Jesus to deliver mankind from the bondage of sin and to conquer satan. Jesus paid the price with His precious blood to redeem mankind. Today you and I are called God’s children because of the redemptive work of Jesus.

Jesus the Redeemer of our marriage: After Adam & Eve sinned, marriage had lost its glory. Marriage had lost God’s blueprint. Marriage was no longer honored. But everything changed once Jesus stepped into the world. The Good News is that Jesus not only came to redeem our souls from sin, but He has also redeemed back for marriage all that was stolen by the enemy due to our own disobedience. Jesus on the cross bore all the curses including the curses on marriage and family recorded in Deuteronomy 28. So today we can appropriate this redemptive work of Jesus in our own marriages.

God hears our silent cries and sees our tears. God is able to restore all that we have lost in our marriage – be it love, companionship, sanctity, health, and finance. He will restore everything in a much better way. The redemptive work of Jesus can restore and renew our love for one another. It’s no longer lust but it’s the pure Godly love for one another. We can take authority through the finished work of Jesus on the cross over every darkness that is working against our marriage. This is God’s plan for every Covenant Marriage.

All that we need to do is to humble ourselves and accept that our marriage has lost the blessings of God and it is just existing instead of flourishing. We need to repent of all our disobedience and ask Jesus to Redeem our marriage.

Now we can move forward from Egypt to Canaan fully confident about the redemptive work of Jesus. We are no longer slaves. Our marriage is now under the rule of the King of Kings!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Your Son not only to redeem our souls but also to redeem all that our marriage has lost due to our disobedience and rebellion. Restore to us the true and pure love in marriage. Restore to us the joy of companionship. Restore to us every marriage blessing pronounced in Psalm 127 and 128. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

The Marriage Expedition - Captives to Conquerors

We live in times when the wedding is considered to be a destination rather than the beginning of a lifelong journey. Extravagant spending happens for that one day but sadly no one knows what to expect in this journey. We can relate our married life with Israel’s journey to Canaan from Egypt. It’s our prayer that God would help you identify where you are in this lifelong expedition.
