Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)Sampel

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)


1. Serve Where God ALREADY Has You

I had just graduated from Bible college, and I was ready to do whatever God asked of me! “I’m Your girl, God! What is it You want me to do?” Ready for the big ministry assignment I just knew He had for me, I waited.

And waited.

I wish I could tell you God dropped that big ministry assignment in my lap the day I got my diploma. Instead, I scrambled to even find a decent job to pay the bills. The only door open to me at the time was an administrative assistant position at a small, local Christian school.

A secretary.

At a small Christian school.

Really, God? You want me, a Bible college graduate, to file papers, give tardy slips, and help kids with college applications? How is this building Your kingdom?”

Confused, I began to question if I even had a calling on my life at all. I started praying desperate, self-focused prayers:

“What’s MY assignment?”

“What’s MY purpose?”

“What’s Your will for MY life?”

Never feeling like I received an answer, at least one that would satisfy my gnawing discontent, I resigned myself to being just a secretary at that small Christian school. But once I was able to turn my sullen resignation of being just a secretary into wholehearted acceptance of where God had me, He slowly began to show me what my next assignment was.

Discovering our calling isn’t always a linear journey from Point A to Point B. Instead, it involves a lot of twists and turns. One thing that remains, however, is that God moves us into our next season when we’re fully given to the work He’s already given us!

Nehemiah was already serving as cupbearer to King Artaxerxes when he received his assignment. Even though I couldn’t see it at the time, God had a purpose for me being a secretary.

It wasn’t what God called me to do for the rest of my life, but it was a necessary step in learning to be content where I was to eventually do what He’s called me to do. And it just so happens I met my husband while working there.

If you’re frustrated while you’re waiting for God to show you what’s next, just keep doing what you’re doing. Keep serving where you are! God’s working behind the scenes preparing you for what’s next! Stay faithful!

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has good works that He prepared for us to do. Often, we can still go through life wondering what those good works are and how to accomplish them. But with fresh eyes, we’ll look at the Old Testament character Nehemiah and discover the NINE STEPS he took to not only find but to accomplish all that God put in his heart.
