When Life Gets Tough... Smile! Gods Amazing Plan for You!Sampel

When Life Gets Tough... Smile! Gods Amazing Plan for You!


Are you giving up

I had just told the congregation about the worst experience of my life—my rape—and as you can imagine, it was a very moving moment. I've come to understand that I am not what happened to me. I get to be free of the past and know that I am worth something!

As soon as I told my story, I wanted to move straight into my song, "You're Worth It," and emphasize the message with it, but after the first chorus, the technology broke down, and the playback stopped.

It was the decision of a millisecond: do I give up here, or do I continue? I kept singing, even without the playback. Even if nothing goes as planned, I can still carry on in faith and share the message.

Yes, at the moment, it felt like a problem, and yes, it required more strength from me. But maybe that's what it took to show people how real the message really is! I could have given up and said, "What kind of technology do you have here?" but then no one would've been moved by this special moment.

My heart asked God, "What are You trying to do right now?" As I continued to sing, I prayed inwardly, "Now I need You and Your work all the more. God, it's Your turn now!" And He brought the message through. No one addressed the problem in the end because everyone saw that God had another plan.

"In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears." (Psalm 18:6, NKJV)

I want to encourage you today to keep going, even if it seems like the "technology" of your life isn't working right now.

You, too, can pray, "God, now I need You and Your work all the more. It's Your turn now!" And you will see what God can do!

You are a miracle!


Hari 3Hari 5

Perihal Pelan

When Life Gets Tough... Smile! Gods Amazing Plan for You!

Have you ever had a “week”? The kind of week that by the weekend you are ready to give everything up? Have hope! God has an amazing plan for you amidst your problems! It’s hard to smile through the hard times, but be reminded: God is there with you, with a more amazing plan that you can imagine!
