Unsung Heroes of the BibleSampel

Unsung Heroes of the Bible


What Makes Phoebe a Hero?

As we read the Bible, we sometimes miss women's crucial role in leading and serving the early church. One such leader that the apostle Paul admired was Phoebe. She is identified as "a minister in the church in Cenchrea," who Paul had deliberately sent to the church in Rome – most likely to deliver and explain his vitally important letter to that strategic community of believers (we know it today as the book of Romans).

Women were seldom respected in leadership roles in those days, so it took courage and humility on Phoebe's part to help lead her church and be willing to serve Paul in this unique way. While it would be centuries before the metaphor of "glass ceilings" would become known, Phoebe was one of the first to break through – because she loved Jesus and longed to serve him with her gifts.


Where in your life do you need courage and humility to follow through on something you are convinced God is nudging you to do – despite the criticism and belittling that may follow?

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