1 JohnSampel

1 John


Many scholars believe that the author of 1 John is the same disciple who wrote the gospel of John. And in that gospel, John commonly refers to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”

Think about that! Imagine introducing yourself like, “Hi, I’m _____, the one that Jesus loves.” Now I’m not endorsing that we all should go around and start introducing ourselves like this. People may look at us strangely and think we are weird or super spiritual. However, the amazing thing is that that statement is absolutely true. God loves us. We see this in verses 9 & 10. These verses are a reflection and parallel to one of the most famous verses in all scripture: John 3:16 “For God SO LOVED the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” But what’s even more powerful is that His love is not meant to stop with us; that same love is meant to be shared with others. And this is exactly what John is calling us to do. Why? For two reasons.

When we share God’s love with others, it makes God more real and personal to us.

When we share God’s love with others, it makes God real and visible to them.

Imagine reading or watching a movie about love. It may stir some emotions or “get you all in your feels,” but it’s nothing like experiencing real love. Love from a parent, spouse, friend, sibling, small group, pastor, boss, or whoever is always more powerful when it is experienced.

Whenever God’s love is experienced, life change is always a result.

So I leave you with this challenge from John, love one another.

Prayer Points

  • In what areas of my life do I need to receive God's love?
  • In what areas of my life do I need to receive God's love?
  • Who in my life has shown me God’s love, and how can I follow their example?
Hari 16Hari 18