Year of the Bible: Part Ten of TwelveSampel

Year of the Bible: Part Ten of Twelve


The Cornerstone

Paul and the apostles regularly corrected wrong teaching and thinking within the young church. This kind of leadership was necessary because, in the absence of correct Bible teaching, strange ideas can grow—or worse, false teaching can take root.

As you read the New Testament, note when the early church leaders wrote letters correcting false teaching and clarifying the truths by which the church should live.

In today's scripture reading, Paul describes Jesus as "the cornerstone" by which everything is measured and held together. We don't often build with hand-cut stone anymore, so the meaning and importance of a cornerstone could be lost on us.

When building a stone structure, a perfectly cut stone would be set as the cornerstone, and then the rest of the structure was aligned with that stone. Eliminating the cornerstone would, at best, result in a small and crooked building.

Here's the truth: our culture teaches that there are no standards and that everyone should be free to decide what is true for themselves. If everyone had their version of the truth, it would be like a team of home builders working together to erect a house while each uses a customized measuring tape, which would never work!

Paul's word to the Ephesians still rings loud and clear today: Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, and there is no other! What He says is true, and our lives must align with His life. We do not belong to ourselves any longer, and for that reason, we do not have the authority to create our version of truth. The standard (the cornerstone) is set. We are one body with one head, Jesus Christ, and it is to Him we submit and follow.

Question: What is your response to people who claim that truth is relative and dependent on their personal opinions?

Prayer: Invite the Lord to show you where you may be "going your own way" regarding how you think about truth. Ask Him for correction and boldness to live your faith out loud, especially among those who have yet to encounter the embodiment of truth, Jesus Christ.

Hari 17Hari 19

Perihal Pelan

Year of the Bible: Part Ten of Twelve

This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. This month, we'll read portions from Acts to 1 Timothy. Let's dive into part ten of twelve!
