MŌRIAH - Am I Known, Seen, Loved?Sampel

MŌRIAH - Am I Known, Seen, Loved?


Known, Seen, Loved

There are times I’ve forgotten that I am known, seen, and loved by God. Turning to the attention of others instead has left me feeling envious, insecure, and spiteful. These are the truths a mentor of mine named Kerry Hasenbalg gently reminded me of in a time when I felt unknown, unseen, and unloved.

Lyric: I thought I wanted answers, I thought I wanted healing, but what I need most is to be known, seen, loved. (Credit: Moriah Smallbone, “Curtain Call” EP)

If you are known by God, then the judgment of others cannot define you. Being known for our biggest achievements does not validate our goodness. Being judged for our greatest failures cannot belittle our existence.

If you're seen by Him, then you can live in obscurity and yet be kept safe from either self-pity or pride. Paul the apostle seemed to have mastered this balance of being content in both the spotlight and the shadows because he was seen by the only One whose gaze never falters.

If you're loved by Him, then you're no longer a victim of shame or blame. When we neglect the love God has to offer us, we tend to feed that essential need with entertainment, sex, achievement, and work. We can even find ourselves pretending we can live without its nourishment.

Welcoming the "wounds of a friend" as we read about in Proverbs 27:6 is an art form that requires a confident core identity. As I’ve invested in the work of faith, I’ve allowed correction to have its way in my soul. "Your correcting rod and your disciplining staff comfort me," says the heart of someone who knows they are known, seen, and loved (Ps. 23:4).

Let's pray these few lines from the "Litany of Humility" written by Rafael Cardinal Merry DeVal together.
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

Hari 2

Perihal Pelan

MŌRIAH - Am I Known, Seen, Loved?

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be undoubtedly loved? What if we could change that inner monologue that says we’re invisible? MŌRIAH pulls from her own experiences as an artist, producer, and woman to help you uncover the transformative truth of scripture and prayer. In this four-day plan, learn what it is to be known, seen, and loved by God regardless of circumstances.
