Revival PrayingSampel

Revival Praying


Where We Must Begin

Begin with the prayer that leads to all other prayers, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1). Ask the Lord to teach you confession, intercession, and petition. Above all, pray that God will not leave us where we are now and that He will not let us settle for less than what He has for each of our lives. God identified Ezra as "a ready scribe" (Ezra 7:6). The Hebrew word ready carries with it the idea of diligence. This is the same word used in Psalm 45:1, "My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer."

This readiness does not begin with what we say-it begins in our heart. It is time for God's people to be diligent in the attention they give to God's Word and prayer, ready for revival.

Evan Roberts was a young minister who participated in the great Welsh revival of 1904. It is said that Roberts was not the most dynamic preacher, and often when he came to a church, he did not preach lengthy sermons. But he would stand in the pulpit and teach the people to pray. One of the prayers that he challenged believers to pray was, "Oh, God, bend me. Bend the church and save the world." This spirit of brokenness led to great spiritual healing in that land.

The church moves forward when people get right with God and each other at home. Revival starts in our hearts and homes. Just days before the revival broke out, touching people all around the globe and resulting in 150,000 people coming to Christ in Wales, Roberts said to a friend, "We have built the altar. We have laid the wood in order. We have prepared the sacrifice. There is nothing now to do but wait for the fire."

Today, I am afraid Christians are organizing their work and waiting on the fire without building the altar. We schedule revival meetings and say we desire to see God move. Many wonder what it will take. Most complain that the condition of our country is worse than it has ever been, but few are engaged in revival praying. Remember that it was only after Elijah had repaired the altar that the fire fell (1 Kings 18:30-38). But when he prayed, God's fire came! Elijah's example of prayer is referenced in the New Testament with this encouragement, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16). When we do our part, we can be sure that God will do His.

Thomas Boston was burdened over the cold spiritual state of his church in Scotland. He began visiting the homes of his members and dealing with them about their spiritual needs.

He discovered that some of his people were not even sure they were saved, and many were even led to Christ. In each home, he read the Bible, prayed, and challenged the head of the house to begin a family altar each day. In a matter of months, a revival broke out in their community that filled the church house and changed the lives of people forever. It all started with a family altar. Richard Baxter, the English Puritan, followed the same pattern in his pastorate and found the same results. The church moves forward when people get right with God and each other at home. Revival starts in our hearts and homes.

  • Have you built an altar before God? When was the last time you sought Him for a personal stirring and awakening?
  • Does your family have an altar? When was the last time you prayed together in your home?
  • Is the altar of your church full of people seeking the Lord? When was the last time we united our hearts in prayer for eternal needs?

If we are going to see God do something in our land, it begins with a group of people like Ezra who are sick of themselves, their sin, and the status quo-people who say that, by the grace of an Almighty God, they are going to learn to seek God. We are so glad you have followed along as we have studied through Revival Praying. Please do not let it just be a 5-day plan in your life; let this truth transform your life. So, will you join me now at the throne of grace? It is time for us all to get serious about our own revival praying.

We are delighted that you have joined us for this study through the prayer life of Ezra. Be sure and follow along in each section and feel free to listen to the additional teaching through the audio segments. Portions of this plan have been selected from Scott Pauley's book, Revival Praying. Please be sure to get a physical copy, read the free ebook, or listen to the audiobook. We trust that it will be a help and encouragement to you. Above all, we trust that God will use it to stir your heart to seek Him more; we encourage you to take the next step in your prayer life. May God richly bless you!

Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Revival Praying

The great need of our world is a spiritual awakening - WE NEED GOD! The Lord has brought the greatest spiritual breakthroughs at the darkest moments in history. This is the time for sincere believers to get serious about prayer. Let's open our Bibles to the book of Ezra now with Scott Pauley as we discover the principles of revival praying.
