I ChooseSampel

I Choose


I Choose Surrender Over Control (Part 3)

I have a hard time liking the story about Abraham almost sacrificing his son, Isaac. There, I said it.

It’s probably the most astounding and confusing command God ever issued. Remember, God promised Isaac to Abraham. Isaac would make Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the stars (another promise), and Isaac’s lineage would eventually lead to God’s Son, Jesus.

Then there’s the whole child sacrifice issue. Did God know this was in the face of the morality He had taught His people? This was what pagan religions did for pagan gods. Did God know what He was asking?

This story actually spoke to me in a moment when I was hiding sin. God had blessed me beyond measure and laid out a path for me with more than I had ever dreamed. But, my own ways threatened to take it all away. I was desperate to find a way to confess without enduring what I thought would be God’s punishment.

Abraham’s story gave me a new perspective. Is God so jealous for one individual that He’d adjust His plans just to have him?

Remarkably, this story seems to answer yes. God wanted to know He had Abraham’s heart. That got my attention.

As I dealt with this story, it was like God whispered to my heart, “Lay your dreams, your future on the altar. They’re nothing compared to eternity with Me.”

Abraham obeyed God. He went up the mountain, bound his son on the altar, and raised the knife. Then, God showed mercy. He stopped Abraham from destroying his son, provided a ram to sacrifice, and blessed him for his faithfulness. I walked through a very similar journey.

Sometimes we live like God is waiting for us to confess our sins, or give up control, so He can punish us. But that’s not it at all. When we become willing to lay everything down and follow Him, He shows us mercy, gives His Son as a sacrifice in our place, and blesses us for our faithfulness.

Act:  What tangible action do you need to take to put your dreams, worries, secrets, or promises on the altar before God?

Audra Blake, filmmaker at Life.Church

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I Choose

Do you ever feel like you’re trapped inside a choose-your-own-adventure book with someone else doing the choosing? Moms are right. Our choices actually do matter—a lot. This Life.Church Bible Plan accompanies Craig Groeschel’s messages into some of the most powerful choices anyone can make. Maybe we can't always pick our own adventures, but we can choose purpose, prayer, surrender, discipline, love, and importance.


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