The School of PrayerSampel

The School of Prayer



Throughout Scripture God reveals Himself through His Name. In Exodus 6:2, He tells Moses that He is "I AM." And there are numerous other names by which we learn more of the character of God. Choose one from the list below and read the corresponding verses. Then, write a prayer of praise-

"God, I praise You for revealing yourself to me through your name..."


EL SHADDAI…………………… Lord God Almighty (Genesis 17:1-8)

ABBA…………………………….. Father (Galatians 4:4-7)

EL ELYON………………………. The Most High God (Genesis 14:22)

ELOHIM…………………………. The Creator (Genesis 1)

YAHWEH RAPHA……………. The Lord Our Healer (Exodus 15:22-26)

YAHWEH SHAMMAH……… The Lord is There (Ezekiel 48:35)

ADONAI…………………………. Lord and Master (Psalm 16:1-2)

YAHWEH YIREH……………… The Lord will Provide (Genesis 22:1-14)

EL ROI…………………………….. The God who Sees (Genesis 16:1-16)

EL OLAM………………………… The Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:9-31)

YAHWEH SHALOM………….. The Lord our Peace (Judges 6:23-24)

YAHWEH SABAOTH…………. The Lord of Hosts (Jeremiah 33:6-12)

YAHWEH RAAH……………… The Lord my Shepherd (Psalm 23)

YAHWEH NISSI………………… The Lord my Banner (Exodus 17:8-16)

YAHWEH MEKODDISHKEM.. The Lord Who Sanctifies You  (Exodus 31:12-13)

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Perihal Pelan

The School of Prayer

Prayer is essential. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is hard. Most of us feel like we're not doing it often enough or well enough, and we're tempted to give up trying. Instead, let's go back to school and allow the WORD of God to teach us how to TALK to God.
