What Is Beautiful?Sampel

What Is Beautiful?


What Is True Beauty?

Beauty runs deep in our stories. And what we think about beauty affects us immeasurably. 

The dictionary refers to it with words like, “harmony and elegance, simplicity and brilliance, perceived in their whole as something beautiful.” Scripture speaks of beauty as being delicate, lasting, and far more than meets the eye. And interestingly, did you know Scripture also says Jesus, “had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” Isaiah 53:2 (ESV)? That’s quite a provocative truth!

True beauty is clearly more phenomenal (and simple maybe?) then we tend to treat it.

It’s tempting to think we can cause our beauty with say, a blush brush, or fancy diet, as if beauty is something to attain. But when we consider an ocean wave, or newborn baby, it becomes apparent that true beauty transcends man’s creativity somehow, or ability to be fashioned on our own. One of the most beautiful women I know is eighty-four and covered in wrinkles. Clearly age and skin-type aren’t core qualifications for “what is beautiful”. 

True beauty delights our senses and reveals things spiritual and captivating to our souls (physically, emotionally, morally & cognitively). And maybe most importantly, it awakens us to God.

DO THIS: Beauty Project

What images, people, or memories come to mind when you hear the word “beauty?”

Picture spending time in front of a mirror, or Instagram feed…how does this tend to affect your mood and body (“If I feel thin, I feel happier; If I feel bloated, I often shame myself and feel lethargic and get a stomach ache…”)? 

Now envision time in nature (think fields of flowers, or a marvelous sunset), or sharing a meal with safe friends. How might such an experience affect your mood and body? 

What stands-out to you in these varying scenarios?

For the next ten minutes (or longer if you’d like), sit in front of some form of “true beauty.” Maybe for you, this means hiking to a waterfall, savoring a Bach concerto, or simply enjoying a candle, or jade succulent in your living room. As you’re able, simply practicing staying present to the beauty before you. 

Afterwards, note what was challenging about this exercise; what was life-giving?

Hari 2

Perihal Pelan

What Is Beautiful?

It's a question we all ask at some point in our lives. It's also a question many of us struggle to answer in a way that satisfies or affirms us. But what if we could change that for our daughters? What if we could give them a picture of beauty they can embrace, a picture they can see every day looking back at them in the mirror?
