Uncommen: Don't Call It a ComebackSampel

Uncommen: Don't Call It a Comeback


The Resurrection And The Power

Talk about a comeback story.

  • Jesus gets put to death
  • Jesus gets buried for three days
  • Jesus comes back to life

The Good

Jesus willingly gave His life to pay our sin debt. The fact that He had the power to overcome death is beyond imagination. Many thought when they rolled that stone in place, it was finished. But it was only the beginning of a cosmic altering event. I doubt anyone in that time (including the apostles) understood the magnitude of what took place that day. There is a reason it's called "The Good News."

The Bad

I feel a little bad (not really) for those poor Roman soldiers who stood guard that night. I would have loved to hear the conversation of what they had to tell their superiors; the body was gone—recounting the story of putting him in the tomb, sealing it with a stone too big for one man to move. They were trying desperately to justify their performance that night. I'm sure they paid for the result with their lives. Many had a bad day at the news of Jesus not being in the grave. The devil and his minions were just as shocked as the Roman guard was. Surprise...you lose!

The Glory

But not man, agenda or evil could stop Jesus from completing the beautiful act of saving us from the cost of sin. Revelation 1:17-18 — "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, "Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades."

Don't call it a comeback...Jesus was always able to complete the task of overcoming sin and death. 

Uncommen Questions:

If you saw Jesus die, would you have stood firm in your faith in his resurrection? 

If so, do you live your life that proclaims you have been saved from your sin debt?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge you and myself to read the story of Jesus going to the cross through the eyes of knowing He had the power to overcome sin and death. That power lives in us with the Holy Spirit, and I pray that we are living like we have been set free.

Verse Reference: John 11:25-26

Hari 3Hari 5

Perihal Pelan

Uncommen: Don't Call It a Comeback

After the year that we've had in 2020, some may think things are out of control and beyond repair. Which, in fact, is 100% incorrect. The same God who created the heavens and earth is still in control, just as He was in the beginning. Are things going the way we intended? No. Are things going the way God intended? Yes!
