The Principles of First MentionSampel

The Principles of First Mention



By Aaron Wronko 

After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." Genesis 15:1

When I was in college, this gorgeous brunette captivated me. I had never seen anybody so pretty and her witty personality fascinated me. I focused intently on pursuing her. The potential reward of having her as my future wife made all the sacrifices of that season seem utterly insignificant. After 18 years of marriage, I am still learning new facets of the beautiful ways God has woven her together. It's a life journey of pursuing her with the reward of knowing her more deeply. 

There is something deep within our nature that causes us to pursue a prize. When a reward is on the line, we’ll often pour our blood, sweat, and tears into getting it. Athletes run their bodies to the limit in hopes of winning a gold medal. Couples endure the backbreaking work involved in a fixer-upper for the reward of having a home they love. Sales representatives go the extra mile with the goal of landing a generous commission or bonus. Hikers walk challenging mountain trails for the prize of a glorious vista view. The more valuable the reward, the more obstacles we’re willing to overcome and the more laser-focused we will be. Rewards motivate us and call us into pursuit. 

The first time the word “reward” is mentioned in the Bible is when God reveals life’s greatest reward: Himself. That means His presence, His peace, His blessing, His wisdom, His power—I could go on. God gave several promises to Abram, but the ultimate promise was that He would be Abram’s reward. We learn in this passage that although life as a follower of God is sometimes difficult (and Abram was currently in the midst of a tough season), the greatest prize is God Himself. For when we receive Him, we receive everything He is. And from here on out, the Bible tells stories of those who have found this to be true again and again. 

Jesus confirms this truth in Matthew 6:33 when He says to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” and then God will ensure you have everything you need. And later in the Bible, Paul discovers this amid much pain and many obstacles. The New Testament is filled with accounts where he was beaten, ridiculed, stoned, flogged, and shipwrecked; yet he was still so full of joy and life because the reward of intimately knowing Jesus motivated him. 

You may be in a difficult season right now. You may be struggling to understand God’s direction or why He placed you where He did. You may be wondering if this Christian life is even worth it. I want to encourage you ... hold on. It is worth it. 

If Abram were here right now, I know he’d tell you it’s more than worth it. And just like the time and effort I spent in those early days pursuing my wife were definitely worth it, the pursuit of God is always worth the exceedingly great reward of His presence. 


Heavenly Father, I acknowledge You as life’s greatest reward and highest pursuit. I set my focus on You. Thank You for giving Yourself to us and for inviting us on the journey of an intimate life with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Memory Verse

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (NIV)

Hari 14Hari 16

Perihal Pelan

The Principles of First Mention

The first time an important word or phrase is mentioned in Scripture is significant. In this devotional written by members of Gateway Church's pastoral staff, we’ll unpack the special meaning behind 21 first mentions and how these foundational words and phrases lead to a richer understanding of the Bible.
