The brokenness of the world, human sin, human will, and the laws of nature all contribute to suffering. In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul, who suffered greatly for following Jesus, stated that if you are a servant of Christ, you must share in Christ's suffering to share in His glory. Furthermore, Paul said that present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that God will reveal to us. Paul was saying that we are to persevere in present sufferings with hope, keeping our eyes on the future glory that God has promised. 

Jesus's suffering and death on the cross is the only way to redemption and victory over suffering, sin, and death. Jesus predicted his death the first time in the book of Luke, saying, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." (Luke 9:22 NIV). Jesus entered into the Kingdom of Heaven through the gate of suffering and death on the cross. Jesus said that you will have trouble in this world, but you are to take heart because He has overcome the world. When Jesus comes again, believers will receive the full redemption that He promises, and all of creation will be restored to its original state, if not to an even greater level of glory.

It's easy to focus on present suffering, which is temporary and seen, rather than your faith, which is unseen but eternal. Fix your eyes on Jesus and your future glory, knowing that you will live forever with God. The God of all grace gives you His ever-presence, comfort, and peace when you suffer, and will ultimately restore you, making you strong, firm, and steadfast. As a child of God, your future glory with God is absolutely sure. God has promised it, and He does not lie. Will you allow the resurrection power of Christ to strengthen you, giving you peace and hope when you suffer? The future will be marked by glory for believers as God fulfills all that He has promised.

The Wiedmann Bible team sincerely wishes that this prayer plan has given you hope and assurance of God's promises in your time of suffering. 

To learn more about The Wiedmann Bible, please visit www.thewiedmannbible.com  

Hari 3

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There's no doubt about it; if you're alive, you will experience suffering. Perhaps you're in a time of suffering right now and feel as though God has disappeared. Maybe you're questioning why God allows suffering at all. Take heart; God walks with you through your darkest valley and gives you His fatherly comfort. He knows what you're experiencing and promises great gain and future glory when you suffer.
