Covenant Keeping GodSampel

Covenant Keeping God


God Who Overrules God has spoken to Jacob to go back to his family in the land of Canaan. Jacob and his family along with the livestock fled from Laban. Laban took his brethren and pursued Jacob. This was indeed a terrifying time for Jacob and his large family. They knew that Laban was an enraged man, like a bear robbed of her cubs. They knew that Laban was a man capable of causing much harm. What would happen to them was the question in everyone’s minds. God intervened in this situation and warned Laban to be careful not to speak anything good or bad to Jacob. The situation turned around dramatically. It was now the time for Laban to become fearful. The hunter was now the hunted. As Laban interacts with Jacob, his fear of the God of Jacob and his father, is clearly evident. What an amazing turnaround of circumstance? This was not the doing of Jacob. God alone was responsible for this turnaround happen. Circumstances sometimes may build up against us in a menacing manner. God intervenes in astonishing ways in the lives of His children, when we are living in His will. The difficult situation becomes simple and effortless. The frightening situation suddenly loses all its dread. The impossible challenge suddenly becomes like an ant hill, before us. This is our God. He is the God who overrules and changes circumstances and situations. The need for us is to keep praising Him even in the midst of the most threatening circumstances. If you are going through a difficulty right now, will you start praising and worshipping the Lord who overrules? Lord, who reigns. I praise You and rejoice in Your presence.
Hari 5Hari 7

Perihal Pelan

Covenant Keeping God

This devotional is about God changing Jacob to Israel. This is a process and the the way God works in our lives. It is good to understand the process and be alive to God's ways in our own lives, and allow Him to transform us to what He wants us to be.
